Howto:MyApps Cloud - Order Process

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Applies To

This information applies to

  • Order Process for the myApps Cloud v13

The article describes the order process of a myApps Cloud PBX.

The installation and the use of the "myApps Cloud Service" requires the conclusion of a set of documents between the reseller (or the end-customer, or the reseller on behalf of the end-customer) and innovaphone. There is an online process in place, which will guide you through the process.

Use the following steps, to apply for a myApps Cloud instance:

Step 1:

  • Use your already existing credentials to access
    • In case you do not have an account yet, please create a new personal user account.
      Important: Please enter your real name and a valid business e-mail address including a company domain. Fictitious (such as it@..., innovaphone@..., tech@..., etc.) or private email addresses (such as,,, etc.) are not permissible and will lead to a rejection of the documents.

  • Every personal user account can be associated to various company accounts.
    • In case you want to create a new company please press 'Create company account' (on the left side - pop-up menu).
    • Is the company already existing on, kindly ask a responsible person to invite you to this company (button 'invite person' , and enter your email address).

  • For every single company, you might now add an independent contract (button 'Add contract' )
    • If you have been invited to a company and you do not see the button 'Add contract' , check the 'Authorized persons' -tab and verify your permissions in this company account.

  • Select 'myApps Cloud service' contract and continue the guidance.
    Notice: The 'myApps Cloud service' needs the following documents to be accepted:
    • 'myApps Cloud service', which contains the conditions of the cloud service
    • 'Software rental', which is a frame contract and has to be accepted only once
    • 'Data processing agreement', which ist not listed here - see next page
      • Optional - 'Hardware rental', which is a frame contract and has to be accepted only once
      • Optional - but not yet selectable - the 'Automatic iSC Reloading Service' , as this must refer to an already existing 'myApps Cloud Service' .
        However, we recommend that you add this 'Automatic iSC Reloading Service' later (after your cloud instance has gone live)
        More details here 'Automatic iSC Reloading Service'
  • Press button 'Continue'

  • The next window shows you the required contracts once again:
    • 'Contract for the innovaphone myApps Cloud Service'
    • 'Contract on renting innovaphone Software products'
    • 'Data processing agreement'
  • Press button 'Continue'

  • You should read the next four pages, check your data and at each end of the pages confirm them with the button 'Continue'
    • 1 'General information about the myApps Cloud Service'
    • 2 'Verification of your data' and check the two boxes at the bottom of the page
    • 3 'Special notes for the myApps Cloud Service' and check the box at the bottom of the page
    • 4 'Offer to conclude a contract for the myApps Cloud Service' and check the confirmation-box
  • concluding now all by pressing <Submit offer "myApps Cloud services">.

  • Follow in the same way the instructions for the next agreement
    and concluding it by <Submit offer "Software rental">

  • The next window summarizes, and directs you to the 'Data processing agreement'
    • Press button 'Continue'
    • Read 'Offer to conclude a data processing agreement as per Art. 28 (3) GDPR' and check the last confirmation-box
    • concluding it by pressing <Accept offer "data processing agreement">
  • Another summary window follows
  • Press button 'Continue'

  • On the last page, you will be asked 'Which domain can be used to identify the installation?'
    Notice: To create a cloud instance, a unique and meaningful domain name is needed. This domain name is essentially used:
    • as System Name inside your Cloud PBX,
    • to create internal user names (if you are considering to use federation in future, it might be helpful to use the same domain name, you are using already as company email),
    • to identify your cloud instance in the Devices App (perhaps, in a future stage, you may have more than one domain to manage, thus, a meaningful domain name is very helpful).
    • if you already have a 'myApps On-Premise' installation, and you will have an additional myApps Cloud instance, it is recommended NOT to use the same domain name for the additional 'myApps Cloud' installation
      • in this case you might call it e.g. ''
  • In the line for 'Grant access rights for partner domain' , only a partner domain should currently be entered which is also running on the innovaphone myApps Cloud

  • As soon as the process is concluded, you will receive a copy of the submitted documents by email.

Step 2:

  • Following, innovaphone will check the submitted information. If everything is fine, the myApps Cloud Contract will be accepted by innovaphone.
  • The respective cloud instances will be created by innovaphone and by email, you will receive an installation link, generally about 24 hours after registration.

Step 3:

  • Within a time-frame of 10 days, you should
    • carry out the installation, which will take eventually 5 to 10 minutes (details to the 'MyApps Cloud - Installation' here), and
    • the Cloud Instance has to be in operations, using iSC.

In case of doubts, please enter in contact with