Understanding the innovaphone trouble ticket status page

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This page will give you an overview of all the tickets you have opened with either innovaphone support or presales. The issues will be ordered by project and status.

Applies To

The innovaphone ticket system used for support, presales and RMA.

More Information


Customers will create workflows in the innovaphone workflow management system whenever they contact innovaphone 3rd level support and presales or when they request RMA. Such a workflow is a.k.a. ticket.

One per week (on fridays currently), each customer having open tickets with us will receive an email with a link to the customers ticket status page. This page will list all open tickets.

This status page is also available via the Mantis link in my.innovaphone . This has the additional advantage that all tickets for your company are shown.

Information available

You cannot get at all the communications regarding these issues via this page. Communication solely takes place via email. If you lost track of an issue or have no clue what it is all about, you are invited to simply send an email (use the ID link for that) to innovaphone. It will be associated to the issues conversation trail and someone will contact you to clarify.

The columns and their meaning:

Close? Allows to resolve/close an issue (see below)
ID The trouble ticket number.
Customer Project The name of the project the ticket is associated with (if any). This is what you have set using the @customer directive.
Summary The title of the issue (ususally the subject you provided when reporting the issue)
Status The current status of this issue (set by innovaphone personel). The following stati are defined:
assigned The ticket is assigned to innovaphone personel and the ball is with us
feedback Someone requested your feedback regarding this ticket and the ball is with you. Please respond (using the ID link e.g.)
resolved We consider this ticket as resolved and it will be closed soon if you do not voice any objections
postponed The ticket is not being worked on currently (regardless of the priority set)

The status may be accompanied by one of the following states (e.g. In Review/assigned):

In Review Issue is being evaluated
Next Major Issue is planned to be resolved with the next major release
Next Hotfix Issue is planned to be resolved with the next hotfix release
Submitted to PM Issue is considered a valuable suggestion and is submitted to product management
Rejected Issue will not be resolved

Please note that this additional status reflects our current thinking. In no way it is meant as a commitment on behalf of innovaphone AG!

Changes Number of changes to this issue so far. This figure is bold if the issue had been touched during the last 36 hours
Assigned To The person currently working on the issue
Priority The following priorities are defined
normal The ticket is being processed regularly
high The ticket is considered more important than the average
urgent The ticket is one of the next issues taken
immediate The ticket is being worked on right now
Date Submitted The date the ticket was created
Updated The most recent date the ticket has been changed


Please note that we expect your feedback regarding all the issues marked as feedback. If you do not respond, the ticket will likely be closed soon with no further action.

If you feel that an issue is already resolved although it appears in this list, then you are kindly requested to close it using the Understanding the innovaphone trouble ticket status page - Resolved.jpg or Understanding the innovaphone trouble ticket status page - Close Icon.jpg icon.

To submit any information regarding an issue (e.g. providing requested feedback), you may use the ID link.