Howto:SOAP Api VisualBasic.Net Sample Code

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Applies To

This information applies to

  • any innovaphone PBX platform
  • Visual Studio 2005 Visual Basic Programming Environment

innovaphone PBX web services can be used from VB.Net. Here is how

More Information


For this example, you will need Visual Studio 2005. Other versions however will work too with minor modifications.

The innovaphone PBX wsdl file is required. See Reference:SOAP API for information how to obtain this file.

The sample code requires a working PBX at There must be a PBX user called _TAPI_ which should be active member of a group where all monitored users are member in too. This user must have a password access. There must be a user ckl-2, which is monitored by _TAPI_.

Of course you can change all these properties in the code.

Running Sample Code

To demonstrate SOAP usage with a stand-alone visual basic script, a simple class is presented that will allow you to monitor your PBX and note all events in a trivial form.

To create the solution, follow these steps:

  • Start Visual Studio
  • Click File / New / Project
  • Select Visual Basic
  • Select Windows Application
  • Create the solution
  • Copy the file pbx501.wsdl into your project
  • Right-click on the project and select Add Web Reference
  • Type the path to the wsdl file into the URL field
  • Click on Go and you should see a 1 Service found: pbx501 message
  • As Web reference name use pbx-wsdl
  • Open the code window for Form1
  • Replace the content with the following code within the editor window

' this form will merely show a window with cumulating PBX events 
' its purpose is to demonstrate the use of async events in VB.Net

Public Class Form1

    ' the forms PBX link
    Dim pbx As myPBX

    ' PBX access data
    ' assuming the controling user is "_TAPI_" which has a user-password "access"
    Const httpUser As String = "_TAPI_"
    Const httpPw As String = "access"
    Const pbxUser As String = "_TAPI_"
    Const pbxMonitor As String = "ckl-2"
    Const pbxUrl As String = ""

    ' PBX runtime data
    Public pbxKey As Integer
    Public pbxSession As Integer
    Public pbxUserId As Integer

    ' initalize pbx link on load
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            ' create the link
            pbx = New myPBX(Me)
            ' set the URL
            pbx.Url = pbxUrl
            ' set the HTTP level credentials
            pbx.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential(httpUser, httpPw, "")
            ' initialize the session, remember the session-id and -key
            pbxSession = pbx.Initialize(pbxUser, "VBNet SOAP Test", True, True, pbxKey)
            ' monitor a user
            pbxUserId = pbx.UserInitialize(pbxSession, pbxMonitor, False)
            ' start async retrieval of events from pbx
        Catch err As Exception
            MsgBox("pbx link initialization failed" + err.Message + " / " + err.InnerException.ToString)
            Exit Sub
        End Try

    End Sub
End Class

' the PBX link
' we need a derived class to be able to handle the async events
Public Class myPBX

    ' derive from the auto-generated soap class
    Inherits pbx_wsdl.pbx
    ' link to form
    Dim form As Form1

    ' constructor to save the form link
    Public Sub New(ByRef form As Form1)
        Me.form = form
    End Sub

    ' setup an async Poll
    Public Sub startPolling()
        Catch e As Exception
            MsgBox("start poll failed: " + e.Message + " / " + e.InnerException.ToString)
        End Try
    End Sub

    ' handle an async Poll result
    Private Sub pollCB(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As pbx_wsdl.PollCompletedEventArgs) _
        Handles MyBase.PollCompleted
        ' scan user and call events
        For Each ui As pbx_wsdl.UserInfo In e.Result.user
  "user " +
        For Each ci As pbx_wsdl.CallInfo In
  "call -> " + ci.msg)
        ' schedule next async Poll
    End Sub

End Class

  • Right click on Form1.vb and select View in Designer
  • Select View from the Visual Studio Menubar and select Toolbox
  • Create a ListView control in the form, resize it so that it fills the whole area
  • Open the controls properties and rename it to events
  • Select Build from Visual Studios menu bar. The solution should build OK
  • Open Form1.vb's code window and check paragraph titled ' PBX access data
  • If need be (most likely, you will have to at least change the setting of Const pbxUrl), change to your needs

To run the code, press F5. You should see a window showing events in your PBX.

How the code works

The pbx_wsdl Class

This class is generated automatically by the Visual Studio WSDL importer in file Reference.vb. It defines stubs for all PBX SOAP functions described in Reference:SOAP API.

Here is one example:

        <System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapRpcMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace:="", ResponseNamespace:="")>  _
        Public Function Poll(ByVal session As Integer) As <System.Xml.Serialization.SoapElementAttribute("return")> AnyInfo
            Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("Poll", New Object() {session})
            Return CType(results(0),AnyInfo)
        End Function

This stub function lets you conveniently call the SOAP methods as if they were local class methods. Also, it deals with the SOAP way of passing parameters and returning results. It is good for synchronous invocation of SOAP (that is, pbx-) methods.

However, this class also creates helper code for asynchronous invocation:

        Public Overloads Sub PollAsync(ByVal session As Integer)
            Me.PollAsync(session, Nothing)
        End Sub
        Public Overloads Sub PollAsync(ByVal session As Integer, ByVal userState As Object)
            If (Me.PollOperationCompleted Is Nothing) Then
                Me.PollOperationCompleted = AddressOf Me.OnPollOperationCompleted
            End If
            Me.InvokeAsync("Poll", New Object() {session}, Me.PollOperationCompleted, userState)
        End Sub
        Private Sub OnPollOperationCompleted(ByVal arg As Object)
            If (Not (Me.PollCompletedEvent) Is Nothing) Then
                Dim invokeArgs As System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs = CType(arg,System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs)
                RaiseEvent PollCompleted(Me, New PollCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState))
            End If
        End Sub

This ultimately ends up in raising a class defined event (InitializeCompleted in this example). This event can be handled by the application. In the sample code, this is done by deriving a new class

Public Class myPBX

    ' derive from the auto-generated soap class
    Inherits pbx_wsdl.pbx

This new class can handle events from its parent class

    ' handle an async Poll result
    Private Sub pollCB(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As pbx_wsdl.PollCompletedEventArgs) _
        Handles MyBase.PollCompleted

The sample application

This section will discuss the sample code. It is not a decent description of the PBX SOAP API. For this, see the related articles.

The form startup code in Form1_Load needs to initialize the pbx SOAP link. It first creates an instance of the derived class

            ' create the link
            pbx = New myPBX(Me)

then sets the basic (HTTP) access parameters

            ' set the URL
            pbx.Url = pbxUrl
            ' set the HTTP level credentials
            pbx.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential(httpUser, httpPw, "")

initializes the session and creates a monitor on one of the users

            ' initialize the session, remember the session-id and -key
            pbxSession = pbx.Initialize(pbxUser, "VBNet SOAP Test", True, True, pbxKey)
            ' monitor a user
            pbxUserId = pbx.UserInitialize(pbxSession, pbxMonitor, False)

and finally kicks off the first asynchronous Poll() to get at the PBX events.

            ' start async retrieval of events from pbx

The derived class myPBX handles events of type pbx.PollCompleted:

    Private Sub pollCB(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As pbx_wsdl.PollCompletedEventArgs) _
        Handles MyBase.PollCompleted

It iterates over the user and call members in the Result member of the PollCompletedEventArgs class passed to the PollCompleted event handler.

        ' scan user and call events
        For Each ui As pbx_wsdl.UserInfo In e.Result.user
  "user " +
        For Each ci As pbx_wsdl.CallInfo In
  "call -> " + ci.msg)

It then schedules the next asynchronous Poll()

        ' schedule next async Poll

Related Articles

Reference:SOAP API

Howto:PBX SOAP Api C-sharp sample code

Howto:SOAP with PHP5