Howto:V6 and V7 on IP21, IP200 (old), IP202 and IP400

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Due to flash and dram memory limitations, full the V6 feature set is not available on some older innovaphone platforms. You should generally consider replacing IP400 by IP305, as well as IP202 by a combination of IP110/IP200 and IP302.

Applies To

This information applies to

  • IP400
  • IP21
  • IP200 (the old one, not IP200A, see label on the back)
  • IP202

More Information

Running V6 up to and including V6 SR1

On all IP400, all IP21 and IP202 with 8 MB Ram and 2MB Flash (see the info screen for details on how much memory your IP202 features), the V6 PBX will not run. The IP400 and IP21 firmware thus does not include the PBX at all. For the IP202, there are 2 downloads available, ip202.bin which includes the PBX and ip202phone.bin which does not. ip202.bin will not work on older IP202 platforms with only 2MB flash memory.

The V6 Gateway/Gatekeeper - aka “Relay” - will still work on IP400 and IP21, but not on the smaller IP202 (in fact, the ip202phone.bin is identical to the ip200.bin).

You can check the size of flash/dram at the webinterface of your unit (General -> Info). A line like Version V5.01 sr1-hotfix IP202[05-5874], Bootcode[336], HW[224] 4096/8192 indicates 4MB flash and 8MB dram.

V6 PBX compatibility for old devices
V5 Gateway and PBX V6 Gateway V6 PBX
IP21 Yes Yes No
IP400 Yes Yes No
IP202 with 2MB Flash Yes No No
IP202 with 4MB Flash Yes Yes Yes

Running V6 SR2

From V6 SR2, there are addtional limitations.

The IP200 (not IP200A) and IP202 with 2 MB Flash will include neither PPP nor NAT (this means no PPTP and PPPoE either). The phone can thus not be used as a router anymore.

The IP400 does not include PPP (and thus no PPTP or PPPoE either), NAT, Telnet, Update, Aping, TCP-SIP und - as before - the PBX.

Running V6 SR2 HF8

From V6 SR2 HF8, there are additional limitations.

IP21 with 2MB flash is running out of flash space. You will need to save the config, do a factory reset, re-upload the config and finally before upload the new firmware. This procedure will optimize flash memory usage.

Running V7

There is No V7 support for IP21, IP400, IP202 and IP200 (the old one, not IP200A, see label on the back)
Please note the information regarding the V7 firmware upgrade!