Reference9:IQM Agent Setup

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The parameters for the setup of the iQM Agent are configured here.

iQM Version 1.42

Note: Agent setup is stored in a text file in the user directory of the PC. See Wiki article for more information.


Common Name

Enter the common Name of the Agent. Please note that the name has to be exactly the same than in the Agent List displayed.

If wrong no association between this client and the Agent (and his Phone) can be done. In some cases this is intentionally, for example because the Agent is a supervisor and do not want act on his phone, but view the various windows. In this case just enter a part of the name or switch first and second name or similar.

iQM TCP/IP Adress

Address of the iQM server. The address of the server is displayed in the setup of the iQM server. If the iQMagent is running on the same PC than the server it could also be

If there is no communication between iQMagent and iQM server check first the IP-connection (ping the server from the agent PC etc.).

iQM Port

Enter the port of the iAM server, it must be the same than the one indicated in the setup of the iQM server (example: 9090).


Always in foreground

If selected the iQM form is displayed always on top of other windows even without focus. Also the other windows (like the queue-view or the Agent list) will be in foreground.

Dock on Agentview

All windows will dock automatically to the main agent view window. If you move the main windows all other will “follow”, the feeling is to move one big window. If you enable this option the list of Agent will be not sized automatically but have a fix view.

Note: all windows in iQM will store their position if closed, if opened again they will appear on their last position. In this way even if not docked automatically an individual disposition for an Agent can be realized.

Pop-up/in foreground if alarm

If checked and a counter goes in alarm (becomes a red frame) the iQM will pop up if minimized or goes in foreground if in background.

Use PC-Keyboard

If checked and a iQM form (one of the forms) has the focus (has a blue head line) the iQMagent will get Keyboard strokes. You can answer a call with backspace and drop a call with the Escape key. If Keyboard is active a keyboard-symbol is displayed on the iQM main view, if not it is hide. Being active just if a iQM window is active it will be avoided that intentionally a call is answered using the keyboard in other applications. Please note that mouse actions are always active. So if for example an agent double click a number on the missed calls list his phone will dial that number. See relative howto article for further information.

See Calls of Agents

If checked in the list of the Agents is also displayed the last calling party, the number of the called number or the number of the caller.

Also the number of a call without answer is displayed.

This column is invisible if option is not enabled.


Select the language for the Agent. Please note that all language topics will be loaded from the server, so just languages available in the iQMserver will be available also for the client. 4 languages are as default selectable, see relative wiki article for more information.

Note: after changing the language the application has to restart again for a complete new setup (even if apparently the language has jet changed).

Password for setup

If defined it is necessary to input the password to access to this menu, if black direct access is possible. Please note that after inserting the password you have to press the “setup” button again.


Work as Dashboard

If selected a Dashboard is displayed. Remember that a Dashboard is just an Agent with a different layout, so no special Dashboard software is available. If the Dashboard option is selected on the next restart the Agent main view will be hide automatically and you will find just the Dashboard windows open. If you close the Dashboard window the main Agent view window will appear (to allow the access to the setup). See next agument.

Show Agent view

As explained in the point before if Dashboard option is on no other iQMagent windows are displayed. This is useful for normal Dashboard operation, but if a supervisor want control the Agent and counters the Dashboard window will be just one of the open iQM windows. If selected also with dashboard option enabled no iQM window will be automatically hided.

Width 1360 pixel 16:9

The Agent View is displayed in a 4:3 ratio (800x600 pixel), but if displayed on TV flat screen monitor or 16:9 beamer the ratio can be switched to 1360x600 pixel. There will remain anyway a small horizontal unused space for eventual additional information.

Calls and Time

The 100% for graphic bar (progress bar like) showing the number of calls in the queue can be defined here. If for example you enter 5 if 5 or more calls are in the queue 100% will be displayed. The real number is displayed anyway with the counter.

The same setup can be done for time in seconds.

Remember that the bar will change color and a warning message will appear if the warning threshold is reached. This setup has no influence on that, the warning thresholds are defined in the iQM Server.

Please note that the number of agent must not be defined because this information is load automatically from the iQM server.


iQM tries to understand if the Agent is on his workplace or not.

Activity interval (sec)

This timer will start each time no activity is detected and will be reset if activity is detected. Activity is when an Agent moves the mouse or strokes a key on the mouse or on the keyboard or in on the phone. No activity is when no of those actions is detected. If the countdown timer reach zero the Agent is logged out from the Agent group.

Logout no ans. (sec)

If the Phone of the Agent is ringing and he will not answer the call within the time of this parameter the Agents is logged out from the Agent group. This prevent that the waiting queue proceed another call to a unmanned Agent Phone.

Auto Login

As explained before iQMAgent will log out an Agent Phone from the Agent group if no activity or no answer is detected. If the auto login option is checked an automatic log in will be done if activity is detected again. So if the Agent is logged out (not manually, but because of activity or no answer) and he move mouse, press keyboard or pick up the phone he will be logged automatically in again.

Note: Those options and the relative status are displayed in the Agent view main form, see relative wiki article for further information.

Manual pause (in seconds)

A gent can press the “pause” key and will be logged out from the Agent group. The pause counter will count down and log in the Agent again if zero is reached. The counting is displayed in real time. The counter can be stopped pressing the login key. The idea is that the Agent goes in a defined Pause timespan (for example he leaves his workplace for 5 Minutes) but has not to be afraid to forget the login again.

Auto Paused after (minutes)

If a value is in this parameter a counter is displayed in the Agent main view. If the countdown reaches zero, the Agent will be logged out. This feature is required because in some country a forced pause after a defined working time is prescribed.

Stop Countdown if offline

If this flag is selected the countdown of the auto paused timer will stop if the Agent is offline (no matter because, automatically or manually). In practice without that flag the working time runs when the auto paused timer starts, if flagged just a logged in period is considered as working time.

End Paused after (minute)

If auto paused is reached and in this field a value is in a second timer will start and log in the Agent again when the countdown reaches zero. See relative wiki article for more information.