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Applies To

This information applies to

  • Configuring the XCAPI with the innovaphone Gateways and innovaphone PBX


This document is intended to support you with the integration of the XCAPI (version into an existing environment of current innovaphone gateways (Version 6 and following). In the following sections we describe the essential steps of configuration to allow for optimal cooperation of both the XCAPI and the innovaphone PBX/gateway. At this point, we suppose that the innovaphone PBX, the hardware the XCAPI is running on and both the XCAPI and your CAPI applications are already installed properly. For some extended information on installation procedures please refer to the respective manuals. A short installation manual for the XCAPI is available at the XCAPI Homepage (

Both XCAPI and Innovaphone support H.323 and SIP and we can configure the Trunk between them using the Gateway/Relay or directly registering XCAPI on the PBX. However the only method recommend to be used it's registering XCAPI directly on the innovaphone PBX using SIP Protocol.

Configuring the innovaphone

In this example, we are going to use one PBX gateway object (XCAPI-SIP-GW) and register XCAPI on this Object.

Creating a Gateway Object in the PBX

Log in to the PBX administration and create a new gateway object. The name of the object is "XCAPI-SIP-GW", and the number is 93 in this case.


XCAPI no iband disconnect.PNG

Note: At this Gateway Object we should select the option "No Inband Disconnec" to avoid issues with external call transfer that are rejected.

XCAPI Configuration

When the XCAPI configuration is started for the first time, there are no configured controllers. Use the link "Click here to add a controller" in the overview page to start the controller wizard.


Add new VoIP controller

On the welcome page of the controller wizard, select to add a new VoIP controller.


Network Interface

In the next dialog, select the network interface that you want to use for the SIP connection between the XCAPI and the innovaphone gateway.


Select VoIP environment template

From the list of predefined VoIP environments, select a innovaphone (PBX object) template.


Signalling Protocol

We must select SIP as protocol to be used by XCAPI.


innovaphone (PBX Object)

Here we must insert the innovaphone PBX System Name or IP address. This will depend on the option "Use as Domain" at PBX->Config.

If we have "Use as Domain" we insert the system name of the PBX:


Then if the System name it's not resolved by DNS we need to configure SIP Proxy in the XCAPI Configuration after we finish the Wizard:


If there is no "Use as Domain" we configure the IP address of the PBX:


User Information

Here we insert the GW Object Name previously created at "Username" field, the use of password it's optional.


Description and channels

Enter a meaningful description and the number of lines that the XCAPI can use to communicate with the innovaphone gateway simultaneously.



Check if all necessary information has been entered correctly (green symbols on the left) and confirm all data by clicking Finish.


Then the new controller appears in the XCAPI configuration. Save the changes and stop all running CAPI applications before restarting them.


Known Problems


  • In XCAPI version 3.3.249 when XCAPI puts call on hold it uses media attribute "send-only", this could affect some call scenarios by not providing MOH to the held party. In order to PBX provide the MOH the hold must be set with media attribute "inactive" instead. In future releases of XCAPI it's planned that "inactive" will be set already in the template for innovaphone PBX meanwhile you can edit in the configuration this option like the image bellow shows. Also other option that should be enable it's "Send attribute "Recvonly" when being held" for the cases that XCAPI it's put on hold.


  • If you perform a consultation transfer with XCAPI (example using Voxtron Agent hold incoming PSTN call and does consultation transfer with alerting to another agent) and the held party doesn't hear the MOH/Alerting from the PBX then the reason could be the default option in XCAPI configuration to "Discard incoming audio data when held".


Failure on Registration due missing Username

  • Gateway Object with Password requires extra step of configuration on XCAPI settings after XCAPI wizard it's finished. For that reason we need to insert the Name/Number for registration at field "Username(Authorization)" at XCAPI SIP Settings.


Incoming call declined by PBX

  • If the registration is successful but an incoming call is declined by the PBX due to an unknown contact header you should enter the xcapi object name as contact parameter in the XCAPI configuration.


Another solution would be to upgrade to V10 SR8.

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