Howto:Skype Connect - SIP Testreport

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Innovaphone Compatibility Test Report


SIP Provider: Skype

The provider does not support all required innovaphone features and is not qualified as recommended SIP Provider.

Incoming calls were not possible at all, therefore the tests were aborted. Moreover the provider seems to have problems with handling multiple registrations on one account.

Current test state

The tests for this product could not be completed or not all mandatory tests were passed. See the Summary section for more details.

Testing of this product has been finalized April 20th, 2010.

Testing Enviroment

Scenario NAT

HFO SIP Compatibility Test 5.PNG

This scenario describes a setup where the PBX and phones are in a private network. The IP800 must use a stun server, in order to send correct SIP - messages. The IP800 works as media relay, all RTP - streams go through the PBX.

Test Results

For more information on the test procedure, please read the following wiki article: SIP Interop Test Description. Bold lines in the test results indicate a KO-criteria.

Basic Call

Tested feature Result
call using g711a No
call using g711u No
call using g723 not tested
call using g729 not tested
Overlapped sending not tested
early media channel not tested
Fax using T.38 not tested
Reverse Media Negotiation not tested
CGPN can be suppressed not tested
CLIP no screening not tested
Long time call possible(>30 min) not tested
External Transfer not tested
NAT Detection not tested
Voice Quality OK? No