Reference9:Concept Linux Application

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Applications like innovaphone reporting can be developed for the linux application platform.


It is needed to have the linux application platform installed and running.


You can install new applications or just update them here.


The installation/update file must be a .tar.gz file with a name beginning with install like install_helloWorld.tar.gz. Inside this compressed file must exist at top-level only one script with a name beginning with install and with any executable extension (sh, pl, py, out), like It is of course allowed to have other install scripts inside folders or another script at top-level but beginning with another name.

Application XML

If you want to manage your application through the linux application platform you need to provide an XML file with the name helloWorld.xml and copy it to the following location: /var/www/innovaphone/apps/ (more information about the web server here).

This would be an example of a possible helloWorld.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <name>hello World!</name>
    <desc>Test application</desc>
    <database name="hello-world" username="hello-world"/>
    <cronjob username="www-data" script=""/>
        <log title="Hello World">/var/www/innovaphone/apps/hello-world/logs/helloWorld.log</log>
        <log title="Application log">/var/log/my_application.log</log>
        <command title="Save hello World configuration files" cmd="savehello-worldcfgs" script=""/>
        <command title="Save hello World database" cmd="savehello-worlddb" script=""/>
        <command title="Save hello World log files" cmd="savehello-worldlogs" script=""/>
        <command title="Application dependant command" cmd="my_backup" script=""/>
        <command title="Restore hello World configuration files" cmd="restorehello-worldcfgs" script=""/>
        <command title="Restore hello World database" cmd="restorehello-worlddb" script="">
            <action>/etc/init.d/postgresql restart</action>

- name: application name displayed at the linux application platform.
- desc: very short description of the application (also displayed).
- version: application version.
- href: main site of your application. When click on name, your site will be opened in a new tab or page.
- directory: any application should create a directory and place its file inside it.
- linux-username: it is recommended that the application creates its own user and add it to the linux web server group. It is important to define the linux user here in order to remove it when uninstalling the application.
- packages: packages installed by the application. These packages will be removed when uninstalling the application if no other application depends on them.
- database:
- cronjob:
- log-files:
- config-files:
- backup:
- restore: