Howto:Serinus - Serinus GmbH - 3rd Party Product

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Tools clipart.png FIXME: Note: Article - Name for SIP Providers 3rdparty product page should be Howto:Country-Provider-Productname-Year-SIP-provider.

Product Name

Serinus Alarm-Mediagateway Serinus Hybrid

Certification Status

<internal> Zertifikatsvorlagen liegen unter \\inno-sifi\dfs\Techserv\Testlab Beim Abschluss des Tests (egal ob gut, schlecht oder abgebrochen) bitte Nachricht an ptr!
Bitte darauf achten, dass das Zertifizierungsdatum angegeben ist, also "Testing of this product has been finalized January 1st, 1970" </internal>


Alert System and IoT Workflow Management


A lightning strike in the data centre, flooding in your region, an emergency case in the production line – whenever the worst case scenario occurs, it is important to be prepared. According to a defined set of rules, Serinus transmits alarms using all the available communication channels, while informing users about certain events and which responses are expected from them. Through the confirmation function, Serinus receives a qualified feedback on the availability and response times of your teams. All alerting operations are logged in detail and can be used for process improvement.

Key features in combination with Innovaphone:

- Display text on Deskphones and Dect-Phones
- Confirmation via DTMF ( positive, negative, PIN-based, Time)
- Textmessage via SOAP Interface
- Loudspeaker broadcast
- Control call forwarding
- Call intrusion
- Call recording
- LDAP Integration Innovaphone to import User
- Localisation


Serinus MG Version 1.1 with Innovaphone V12


[[Image:3[rdPartyGoldfischglas 03.png]] Serinus GmbH


Competitive Analysis


innovaphone Vendor Testreport
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This solution proved to meet the expectations in the following customer projects:

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This solution has been tested by the vendor. [http::/ http::/]



Marcus Testman
zip, town
Tel: +49 7031 73009 0
Fax: +49 7031 73009 99