Howto13r3:Configure Connector for Microsoft365

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There are also other versions of this article available: Howto13r3 (this version) | Howto14r2
Tools clipart.png FIXME: This article is still worked on

Applies To

This information applies to V13r3

More Information

This article outlines a configuration scheme for Connector for Microsoft365 functionality.

System Requirements

  • admin account in Azure Portal of Microsoft

Configuration in Azure Portal

  • In the Azure Portal of Microsoft you have to add an app registration
  • You only have to give a name for the app
App Registration
  • Switch to the authentication in the left-
  • You only have to configure allow public client flow
Authentication Connector for Microsoft365.png
  • Switch to api permissions on the left
  • You have to configure delegated permissions (User.Read.All and Presence.Read.All) as shown in the picture
  • Grant access to the api permissions, if not possible you have to ask an admin
APIPermission Connector for Microsoft365.png

With these configurations you can configure the Connector for Microsoft365

  • Client ID as shown in the picture
  • Tenant ID as shown in the picture
  • User
  • Password
Overview Connector for Microsoft365.png

Configuration in PBX Manager

For configuring the app you need the following parameter:

  • Name of the master PBX (Not full DNS name, really just only the PBX name)
  • Client ID of the registrated app from the azure portal
  • Tenant ID of your organization, also from the azure portal
  • Credentials for your Microsoft Azure Portal login (User needs a Teams license)
  • Notification uri "https://{your_domain}/{your_tenant}/microsoft365/subscriptions"
    • After successful configuration and subscription the Microsoft services will connect to the specified notification uri for presence and line state updates.
    • For this to work it is important to make sure that the specified notification uri is reachable from the Microsoft services, meaning from the public internet.
    • You need to be able to reach your app platform with the specified uri from the public internet.