Howto13r3:Configure Connector for Microsoft365

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There are also other versions of this article available: Howto13r3 (this version) | Howto14r2

Applies To

This information applies to V13r3

More Information

This article outlines a configuration scheme for Connector for Microsoft365 functionality.

System Requirements

  • admin account in Azure Portal of Microsoft
    • Must have a Teams License applied
    • Must not have multi factor authentication activated

Configuration in Azure Portal

  • In the Azure Portal of Microsoft you have to add an app registration
  • You only have to give a name for the app
App Registration
  • Switch to the authentication in the left-
  • You only have to configure allow public client flow
Authentication Connector for Microsoft365.png
  • Switch to api permissions on the left
  • You have to configure delegated permissions (User.Read.All and Presence.Read.All) as shown in the picture
  • Grant access to the api permissions, if not possible you have to ask an admin
APIPermission Connector for Microsoft365.png

With these configurations you can configure the Connector for Microsoft365

  • Client ID as shown in the picture
  • Tenant ID as shown in the picture
  • User
  • Password
Overview Connector for Microsoft365.png

Configuration in Azure Portal Sync to Teams

  • In the Azure Portal of Microsoft you have to add a new app registration
  • In the picture you can see that we have 2 values after that which we can use for the configuration of the app
Overview Connector for Microsoft365 Sync to Teams.png
  • Switch to the authentication in the left-
  • You only have to configure a client secret and save the value for the configuration of the app
Authentication Connector for Microsoft365 Sync to Teams.png
  • Switch to api permissions on the left
  • You have to configure application permission (Presence.ReadWrite.All) as shown in the picture
  • Grant access to the api permissions, if not possible you have to ask an admin
APIPermission Connector for Microsoft365 Sync to Teams.png

Configuration in PBX Objects

For the sync direction from PBX to Teams the app itself needs visibility permissions (presence, on-the-phone) for the users who are should be synced to Teams. The configuration tag is visibility for each user object.

Configuration in PBX Manager

For configuring the app you need the following parameter:

  • Name of the master PBX (Not full DNS name, really just only the PBX name)
  • Client ID of the registrated app from the azure portal
  • Tenant ID of your organization, also from the azure portal
  • Credentials for your Microsoft Azure Portal login (User needs a Teams license)
  • Notification uri "https://{your_domain}/{your_tenant}/microsoft365/subscriptions"
    • After successful configuration and subscription the Microsoft services will connect to the specified notification uri for presence and line state updates.
    • For this to work it is important to make sure that the specified notification uri is reachable from the Microsoft services, meaning from the public internet.
    • You need to be able to reach your app platform with the specified uri from the public internet.