Howto:Queueboard - MediaRunway - Partner App

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Product Name

MediaRunway Queue Board

Certification Status



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MediaRunway is an ITC enterprise that provides its customers with contemporary IT services in all areas - Your business, our solution.

MediaRunway - About us



Queue Board myApps App is an easy way to improve the quality of your corporate communication by using this app to get an overview (live and the supervisor also historical) of the waiting time and the number of callers of a waiting queue. You can see how many callers and after how long these callers gave up the wait. Give each individual team member (call agent) and the supervisor an easy way for all team members to log in or out of the group. If you want to keep an eye on several waiting queues at the same time, simply open the desired waiting queues next to each other on the supervisor monitor or visible to the team on a larger display. The information can just as well be viewed mobile on a smartphone. In addition, the following can be configured in the app: wrap-up time, how active agents are counted, alarm thresholds and the resetting of values. A supervisor can also be a call agent at the same time.

MediaRunway - About this application


Admin app


User app

normal user view


supervisor user view



If you want to look at more then one Waiting Queue Board parallel, then you could open more browser windows, each with another Waiting Queue Board App or if myApps is installed, then open each Queue Board app in a separate window. Then these windows could be shown in columns. With the installed myApps App you could see on a full hd display a minimum of 5 Queue Boards next to each other. Like the two windows in the next picture.



Licensing: One license per user with any number of devices for one instance of the app. No floating licensing, only the users who got a configured license have access. For licensing and test licensing please contact

  • Example: "Hello MediaRunway, we would like to purchase the Queue Board app. Here is our authentication key 1113335557, we have only one app instance. A one year license for 10 users would fullfill our needs. Please send us the license key as fast as possible. Best reagards"

Enter license key and activate user license: Simply enter the license key that you received from us and press "Confirm". After that, you should see the valid date of your license and the number of available user licenses. Next to the desired user name, activate or deactivate the user's license.

If you need the functions for more then one waiting queue, you have to add another app instance and purchase also licenses for the users of this instance.


For that app, you need no extra Server or Client, only the myApps Plattform and the myApps client (installed or open in a browser).

You have a waiting queue configured in the pbx and also a group and group members for that waiting queue. The group name for the group members should only use for this waiting queue, because if the same group name will be used for another waiting queue, then the user will dyn-in/ dyn-out for more then one waiting queue. But one waiting queue could have more then one group configured, for example to differentiate the users of the primary group from the other users. But that is not special for this Queue Board App, it should only remember to the basic innovaphone admin knowledge.


Compatible innovaphone firmware versions

  • MediaRunway Queueboard 1.0 (132xxx sr18, 133xxx final)
    • innovaphone V13r2
    • innovaphone V13r3

Application versions used for interop testing

  • MediaRunway Queueboard 1.0 (132xxx sr18, 133xxx final)
    • innovaphone IPVA V13r2sr18
    • innovaphone IPVA V13r3final


In the next picture are the relations between the Queue Board admin app, the Queue Board user app and the innovaphone waiting queue administration visualized:


Explanation of the three topics marked in the picture above:

1) if in the waiting queue configuration is the checkbox for "Presence disables Operator" marked, then the switch in die Queue Board admin app is set to inactive

2) if in the advanced waiting queue configuration is a "Clear after ___s" set, then in the Queue Board admin app the "Wrapup-time in sec." and "Wrapup-time refresh in sec." will be inactive. The wrapup-time which could configured in the Queue Board admin app is independent of the advanced waiting queue admin ui. So if you set a wrapup-time in the Queue Board admin app, this time will not set the time to the pbx waiting queue object. A wrapup-time comparison: Currently the wrapup-time of Queue Board will only work if the user has the Queue Board user app started, if not no wrapup-time will start. If a "Clear after ___s" is set in the advanced ui, then this time will work always but no refresh action (button) for the user exists and no user in that wrapup-time could currently count in the Queue Board user app.

3) if in the advanced waiting queue configuration the checkbox of "Operator connect for SOAP" is marked, then in the Queue Board user app a call which is connected to a agent will be shown as waiting. So we recommend to do NOT mark the checkbox "Operator connect for SOAP", if the waiting queue is configured in a Queue Board admin app.

NOTE: we recommend that no user is in more then one Queue Board where a wrapup-time is configured. Because what should be done if in one waiting queue is a wrapup-time for 60seconds and in the other is 120sec configured, etc. But a user could be team member in more then one Queue Board if max. one of them has a wrapup-time configured.

Alert and pre-alert tresholds


The pre-alert value should be smaller then the alert value, because the alert is a maximum value.

Ready team member

The pre-alert value should be greater then the alert value, because the alert is a minimum value.

The quantity which could set for alert and pre-alert depends on the two switch settings in the Queue Board admin app at [How to count "ready agents":].


After installing the App, adding the App instance and the App Object for the users, one can start using "Presence Favorites". The steps of the installation process are the same as described in this article "Callback - Install App from App Store" only with different names.

AP manager settings

File:Queueboard ap manager.png

PBX manager settings

Checkmark your users config while adding the object.

File:Queueboard pbx manager.png


MediaRunway GmbH & Co. KG
Venloer Str. 8
D-41569 Rommerskirchen
Tel: +49 2183 80628-0

For any questions please refer to our contact page.