Reference13r3:Concept App Service Connector for Microsoft 365

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There are also other versions of this article available: Reference13r3 (this version) | Reference14r2

Applies To

  • innovaphone PBX from version 13r3


Connector for Microsoft 365 synchronises Microsoft Teams presences with the innovaphone PBX and back.


  • innovaphone PBX
  • innovaphone Application Platform
  • App(Connector for Microsoft 365)
  • PBX-App(innovaphone-microsoft365) license per user - order no. 02-00050-009



Please have a look into our Howto guide for basic configuration aid.

Technical Overview

If the Connector for Microsoft 365 app is fully configured, the app connects to Microsoft to obtain a token. With the token, the app gets the teams users (with a Teams license) through the Microsoft Graph Api. A presence subscription to Microsoft is started with the licensed users of the PBX to get presence changes in Microsoft Teams for these users. A user subscription is also started to get changes of the users (adding, deleting or update). If a user has changed, the Teams users are retrieved again. If the presence has changed, it is forwarded to the PBX. The presences of Teams are mapped to the presences of the PBX.

  • User subscriptions are renewed every 60 minutes.
  • Presence subscriptions are renewed every 10 minutes.
  • License Check is made before every presence subscription.

The app synchronises the PBX presence with Teams through the Graph Api. The on-the-phone presence will be renewed every 5 minutes. The other presences have a lifetime of 1 day but the away has a lifetime of 7 days. The lifetimes are described here

Please be aware: The actual change of presence or line state will be live, the above-mentioned subscriptions are needed to register against the Microsoft API for changes. After successful subscription Microsoft will trigger the Connector for Microsoft 365 App every time a presence or line state for a user has changed. The subscription will then be renewed in the above-mentioned time interval to receive further live updates.

User Matching

To match users we compare the Microsoft Name (technical "displayName") property with our PBX Long Name (cn) or The ID from the "Users Admin" App.

Mapping Table

Teams Presence PBX Presence
Away away
BeRightBack away
Busy busy
DoNotDisturb dnd
InACall on-the-phone
InAMeeting meeting
Inactive online
PresenceUnknown online
Available online
Offline online
Offwork online
OutOfOffice away
UrgentInterruptionsOnly dnd
Presenting on-the-phone
InAConferenceCall on-the-phone

The value "online" unsets the Teams presence in the PBX.


For Master/Slave combination the "Connector for Microsoft 365" App has to be added to the slave (if no full replication is on). The slave websocket connection is needed to display "on-the-phone" presence.

Related Articles

Known Limitation

Currently, only 650 users can be subscribed for the presence subscription.

For use cases with larger Environments:
If there are more than 650 active user with an active Microsoft Teams license in the environment, you can still use the Innovaphone license for the Connector For Microsoft 365 to select which users should be synchronized.
For now, you need to make sure not to assign more than 650 users with such an License in the PBX.
(Only users with an assigned license for the Connector For Microsoft 365 App will be subscribed.)

Communication User (UserSynctoPbx)

Users with MFA (multi-factor-authentication) are not supported as technical communication user for the Connector.

Subscription Timeout


Due to a current limitation in the Graph API it is not possible to cancel or delete an active presence subscription.
As you can see in the of the current Graph API (1.0) the “Delete subscription” chapter does not include presence subscriptions.
It is also not possible to have multiple subscription in parallel.

To make sure to only request a new presence subscription when the old one is not valid anymore, the app will store the state of the presence subscription and the time until it is valid in the database.
As mentioned in the chapter “Technical Overview” we are creating presence subscriptions with a validity of 10 minutes.
The presence subscription will be renewed as soon as it is no longer valid which will be 10 minutes after initial subscription.


If settings are changed or the app instance is restarted it will check the corresponding database entry on startup.
In case the last presence subscription was completed less than 10 minutes ago, there is still an active presence subscription and the app has to wait for it to become invalid.
Some Changes (e.g., to the “Notification-URL”) will only take effect after a new created subscription.

The current Beta Version of the Graph API is already providing a function to delete presence subscriptions, so we hope we can improve this behavior in the future.


GUI Feedback

The app itself shows required states with green and red as connections to the Master PBX, Authentication and Presence Subscription to identify if there are problems. Sometimes it needs a little bit time until the states are changed. If the states remain, it is mandatory to enable logs on the app platform and check for more information.

Teams License for communication user

If presence subscription does not work, please check if the configured user has a Microsoft Teams license and no multifactor authentication is in use for this particular user.
Sometime after changing setting or after the instance has restarted it can take up to 12 minutes until the presence subscription is working correctly.

SSL Certificate for notification URL

It also is useful to make sure the notification URL has a valid and public signed certificate.
You can do that, using an SSL-Checker, for example:
Without a valid, public signed certificate, Microsoft will decline the connection since it will not be possible to establish a trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

Correctness of notification URL

You can try to open the notification URL in your Browser
Most likely you will see a HTTP 404 (Not Found) error message, which is the expected behavior since we are not providing an HTML website, the HTTP GET request from the browser will not be answered with content.
This is perfectly fine since Microsoft will send presence updates with HTTP POST and will not try to request content from our app.

What you can find out by trying to open the URL in your browser are the two folling things:

  • If you receive a HTTP 404 error message you most likely connected to an App Plattform, if not you need to check your DNS (and maybe also reverse proxy) settings.
  • If the URL is modified and the used build number is added, an app has answered your request

Creating an app trace

For further analysis and creating a support ticket it will be useful to have a suitable app trace.
Before creating the trace please make sure the following trace flags are activated for the app instance:

  • App
  • Database
  • HTTP client
  • TLS
  • TCP
  • App WebSocket
  • Config
  • Webserver

After setting the config flags, please make sure to

  • stop the instance
  • deleting the current instance log
  • start the instance

Now please wait 12 Minutes before you save the log, otherwise we could not have the whole picture in the trace.

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Howto13r3:Configure Connector for Microsoft365