Course14:IT Connect - 09.1 Even more Apps

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Apps installed but not covered in the Training

Apps we did not look at

In this training, the focus is on how an administrator sets up the system. It is not about the usage of the various end-user apps. In this little book, we will have a quick look at them because your users will certainly have questions regarding those apps and therefore it is a good idea for you to have at least a look at.

The Phone App

The Phone App is probably the most important App for your users. It is what might be called a CTI client in others systems you know. That is,
  • it serves to place and receive calls
  • it provides access to your directories
  • it allows you to add video and application sharing to your calls
Users can start the App at any time or it is started when a call is received.

The App's window is structured in these parts
  • Favorites
  • History
  • Search
  • Diversion
  • and Dial-pad
Favorites is a list of contacts populated by the user (this can be done from the call history or manually from a search result).

History shows persons you had contact with recently.

Search displays the results from searching for the phrase you type in to the search field on the top.

Diversion allows you to modify your own diversion (Always CFU, Busy CFB and No response CFNR) settings.

The Dial pad allows to dial digits manually and also to send DTMF digits during a call.

Multiple phones

If you have multiple phones registered or have an additional softphone, you will notice that you also have multiple phone apps on your home screen. You then would specify the phone device to use by simply starting the appropriate phone app.

Sometime however, myApps needs to know which phone App to use even if you don't have an app running. For example, when you receive a call, a phone app is started for this call. Also, when you initiate a call in another App (e.g. from inside the Users App), then myApps needs to know which phone App shall be used. You can screenshot.png define this by setting the DEFAULT APPS in your personal screenshot.png myApps settings. For example, if you have a hard-phone and a softphone and you set the hard-phone App to be your default app, then an incoming call would implicitly open your hard-phone App.

The default phone app can also be selected by performing a screenshot.png long-click on the App's icon.

(Further Hints) The default phone app is stored locally in your myApps client. This allows different defaults on your PC (IPxxx hard phone for example) and on your mobile phone (probably your softphone).

The Chat App

The Chat App allows to have a chat with users in your PBX or with external users that are reachable through federation (not part of this course) and support SIP messaging. Chat content supports rich text including emoticons and attached files.

Users can also screenshot.png create and use chat groups. Requires the Messages service (see below).


You can also send attachment files within a chat.To use it, you need to video2.png click on the paper click icon.

Persistent chat

Chat conversations and groups are stored in the Messages service on your App Platform. For this to work, users must have a premium Chat App license (which is not included in the UC license). Peer-to-peer chat without persistence works without licenses.

When persistent chat is enabled, users can screenshot.png delete individual conversations using the burger menu on the upper right. Also only with persistent chat, badge counts for unread chat messages will be displayed for the chat app.

The Call List App

Not at all surprising, the Call List App gives you access to your call-list. It lists all your calls in chronological order. When you select one of the calls, you can screenshot.png see the call's history in chronological order (e.g. if it was forwarded to you).

Also, it provides missed call notification by virtue of a badge-count on the Call List icon.

Difference to the Phone App's History

You may wonder what the difference to the screenshot.png History part of the Phone App is.

In the History area, will show you up to 25 calls sorted in chronological order. If there were multiple calls for the same contact, still only one item is shown. If you expand it you can see screenshot.png the last 5 calls from this user. If the user is also in your favorites list, you can see the last 5 calls in this view as well.

In addition to that, the Favorites- and History- items will also show the contact's presence information.

The Search App

As you have seen before, various Apps can search for items they control (e.g. the Contacts App can search for contacts). However, sometimes it is convenient to search for something, no matter which App is controlling it. This can be done using the Search App.

You can try this:
  • type Christoph in to the Search App's search field. You will see an entry provided by the Users App screenshot.png showing your own user record
  • however, typing erika in to the Search App's search field will yield an entry provided by the Contacts App screenshot.png showing Erika Müller's contact
  • a whole bunch of items is retrieved by screenshot.png typing co:
    • myApps found some Apps available to you as well as a link to the Account Security section in its burger menu
    • UsersApi (which is the App that provides the search function in the Users App) found a link to the Account section in the Profile App
    • the Conference App found a conference room
(Further Hints) The Search App does not only search for objects, it can search for all kind of things. For example, if you are unsure where to set call diversions, simply type diversion into the search field. Also, it can find new kinds of things as soon as new Apps are installed.

The Voicemail App

The Voicemail App allows your users to record and manage voicemail messages. They can receive visual notifications for new messages in myApps and access them through the app.

To set up the Voicemail App, you must first assign a free number in your dial-plan. You do that in screenshot.png the AP voicemail_en PBX Manager plugin. For example, if you assign the number 8 to your voicemail app and have a user with extension number 10, their voicemail number will be 810. Also be sure to change the default mailbox PIN!

In the plugin, there are also some settings pertaining to all voicemail instances (and hence tucked away under Settings on the top). You should strongly consider to set the field labeled Delete voicemails after (days) to a reasonable value!

To use the app, you must give your users access to the App (for example screenshot.png in a template) and assign them a voicemail license, which is included in the UC license (so you can screenshot.png assign either to them). You can do this through the Templates PBX Manager plugin.

To forward calls to the users voicemail box, you can either set a CFx towards the voicemail (8 in our example) screenshot.png directly on the individual user or as a general rule in the screenshot.png Trunks PBX Manager plugin.

Group Voicemail

There is also the option to set up a group voice mailbox which can be shared by several users. All group members have the possibility to listen to, download or delete all voicemails in this shared group. See fish-help.png Step-by-Step Create notifications for a group voicemail for a detailed description.

The Reports App

The Reports App is a bit different from those covered so far in this book, as it is targeted to administrators only. It allows to create reports of calls made in the system. They can be looked at in the App and they can also be screenshot.png exported as CSV or PDF file.

For reporting to work, each user whose calls shall be included in the reports must have a screenshot.png Reporting license assigned.

Reports are based on so-called call detail records (CDR) which are stored in the APs database. Be sure to review the CDR cleanup settings. To do so, you can go to the screenshot.png PBX Manager Plugin of your Reports App (which is called AP reporting) and screenshot.png change the configuration to your liking.

(Further Hints) By the way, believe me, you don't want to set it to disabled. CDRs will quickly fill your database and one day, your AP's disk will be full and it will not boot any more and fish-help.png you're in trouble.

Connector for Let's Encrypt

This is also a nice App that the Install has installed for you. What it does is to acquire a valid, globally accepted device certificate for your gateway devices and application platforms (in our case the IP411LEFT and the AP running on it).

Without using the connector, the standard device certificates would be used. These are created by innovaphone and derived from the innovaphone Device Certification Authority 2. Unfortunately, as innovaphone is not a real certificate authority (CA), these certificates are not accepted globally - for example your browser will not accept them unless you specifically tell it to do so.

However, there is a globally accepted, non-profit certificate authority called Let's Encrypt. The connector creates a bridge to that CA and acquires proper certificates. Even better: you don't need to do anything for this to work, except that your DNS (e.g. hq-invalid member reference '.globaldomain' in 'globaldomain' for your PBX in this course) records must be set up correctly.

While there is nothing in particular to set up for this to work, you can still sit down with a good cup of coffee and watch the service working wink

This is done using the screenshot.png AP letsencrypt PBX Manager plugin.

But hey, you may say, there in fact is a Settings section!? Didn't you say there is nothing to configure?

Well, yes. There is such a form. However, the only thing you could (and well, yes, admitted, should touch if need be) is the Email address field. This is the E-mail address that Let's Encrypt (not innovaphone or your AP) will use to inform you if anything goes wrong with your certificates. Needless to say, the Install has already configured it for you.