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The parameters for the setup of the iQM Agent are configured here.
The parameters for the setup of the iQM Agent are configured here.
This help describes iQM Build 80105.

iQM Version 1.44
Note: Agent setup is stored in a text file in the user directory of the PC. See Wiki article for more information.
Note: From version 1.53 on the setup information is stored in the “iQMagent” directory of the user. Therefore upgrade from older versions requires a new setup. From Version 1.70 on the setup can also be stored in the directory where iQM Agent is running.
==General Items==
“Version”: indicates the actual version of the iQM Client Software
“Exit (no save)”: Close the setup without saving eventual modified parameter
“Save and Exit”: Close the setup and save all parameter. Please note that some modifications (for example the setup of the language) requires a restart.
“Open trace/setup folder”: this link will open the directory where the application stores the setup, logs and other files.
“Debug ON”: Switch on only if requested from innovaphone technical support. Additional trace info will be written in the log.
“Save setup local”: If flagged the (this) setup will be stored in the directory where iQM Agent is running, if not flagged in the user directory. This flag must be switched on in case of Hotdesking or if several iQM Agent sessions should be run on one single PC. Please note that in this case the application must have read and write rights to the own directory (typically admin rights).
“Help (online)”: open this page. Please note that the link to this help page cannot be modified while the link to the user help can be modified.
==Tab Communication==
''Frame iQM Client''
===Agent Name===
Enter the common Name of the Agent.
Please note that the name has to be exactly the same than shown in the PBX. Please note that the namein the PBX called “Long Name”. If the name is wrong no association between this client and the Agent (and his Phone) can be done.
In some cases this is intentionally, for example because the Agent is a supervisor and do not want act on his phone, but view the various windows. In this case just enter a part of the name or switch first and second name or similar.
Note: if this field is leaved empty and also no IP-Address is defined the system will create automatically a nickname. In this way the iQM Server can identify this client and send data to the correct destination.
WARNING :Please note that the iQM Server track the name of the agent as nickname for the connection. Therefore just one agent in a system should be logged at any time with the same name. If more clients are working on the same iQM Server with the same name unpredictable indications on the client would be the result. Note that also that even if the client is used as a dashboard a unique name is required!
From Build 80082 on even more clients can use the same name if on different IP-address (PC). On top if a customer try to start the agent twice on the same PC a warning message is shown and invite him not to start the second client. Ignore this warning if different users are assigned.
===Ip-Address of the Phone===
If you put in in this field the IP-Address of the associated Phone the feature “Hotedesking” is automatically on.
Please note that iQM Agent in this case modify the the Common Name. See relative Wiki article. If blank the feature Hotdesking is off.
===In the PBX detected parameter===
The following line shows the IP address of the IP Phone (if found in the PBX) and the model (for example “IP222”). Please note that just one Phone will be detected.

The IP-Address of the innovaphone PBX is shown in the following line.

Note: Agent setup is stored in a text file in the user directory of the PC. See Wiki article for more information.
===Password for setup===
To protect this setup with a password. If defined it is necessary to input the password to access to this menu, if blank feature is off.
If “Show character” is checked the password is displayed in clear.

Please note that after inserting the password you have to press the “setup” button again.

Note that the password is stored encrypted in the setup file.

===Common Name===

Enter the common Name of the Agent. Please note that the name has to be exactly the same than in the Agent List displayed.
''Frame my iQM Server''

If wrong no association between this client and the Agent (and his Phone) can be done. In some cases this is intentionally, for example because the Agent is a supervisor and do not want act on his phone, but view the various windows. In this case just enter a part of the name or switch first and second name or similar.
If in the System is just one iQM Server (single installation) fill out this parameter and leave blank all data in the iQM  Master Server field.

===iQM TCP/IP Adress===
===iQM server IP Address===

Address of the iQM server. The address of the server is displayed in the setup of the iQM server. If the iQMagent is running on the same PC than the server it could also be
Address of the iQM server. The address of the server is displayed if you open the setup of the iQM server.  

If there is no communication between iQMagent and iQM server check first the IP-connection (ping the server from the agent PC etc.).
If there is no communication between iQMagent and iQM server check first the IP-connection (ping the server from the agent PC etc.).

===iQM Port===
Server must be reachable via IP-address (either direct or VPN). DNS is not supported.

Enter the port of the iAM server, it must be the same than the one indicated in the setup of the iQM server (example: 9090).
===iQM server Port===

Enter the port of the iQM server, it must be the same than the one indicated in the setup of the iQM server (example: 9090).
If the access to the iQM Server is protected by a password you have to insert it her (build 80181)
===Swap DD/MM===
Date representation depends on the setup of the PC, the agent will receive date information from the iQM server. If a date instead of DD/MM/YYYY is set to MM/DD/YYYY the recall table will not be filled correctly. If the recall table is not shown please try this option.
''Frame iQM Master Server''
If there are two iQM Server in the Scenario one will be the Master and one the Slave Server.
If this Agent serves the second WQ on the Slave iQM Server put the connection data of the second iQM (the Slave) in the left frame while here has to be defined the connection to the iQM Master server.
The field are the same than the one described on the my iQM Server frame.
===Help Url===
If blank and the iQM Agent main window help is a link to the innovaphone wiki and shows the relative help page.
This can be switched off if a link is entered here, pointing for example on a webpage of the partner or user.
===Own IP address===
IP Address of the Ethernet adapter detected automatically. This field cannot be edited.
===IP-adapter ===
List of all IP adapter addresses detected. Here can be selected one specific address, after a restart the connection to the iQM Server will opened using that adapter.
This setup should be modified just in case of problems and complex installations, so do not modify the automatic detection.
From HF33 / Build 80287 on : A list of all detected adapters is shown (“IP adapter found”). In the field ”own IP address” you must put in the address of your IP adapter.
==Tab Layout==
''Frame "Windows"''

===Always in foreground===
===Always in foreground===

If selected the iQM form is displayed always on top of other windows even without focus. Also the other windows (like the queue-view or the Agent list) will be in foreground.
If checked the iQM window is hold always in foreground. Also the other main windows of the client (queue, Agent- and recall list) will be hold in foreground.

===Dock on Agentview===
===Dock on Agentview===

All windows will dock automatically to the main agent view window. If you move the main windows all other will “follow”, the feeling is to move one big window. If you enable this option the list of Agent will be not sized automatically but have a fix view.
All windows will dock automatically to the main agent view window. If you move the main windows all other will “follow”, the feeling is to move one big window. If you enable this option the list of Agent will be not sized automatically but displayed in a fix height.

Note: all windows in iQM will store their position if closed, if opened again they will appear on their last position. In this way even if not docked automatically an individual disposition for an Agent can be realized.
Note: all windows in iQM will store their position if closed, if opened again they will appear on their last position. In this way even if not docked automatically an individual disposition for an Agent can be realized.

===Pop-up/in foreground if alarm===
===Pop-up/in foreground if warning===
If checked and a counter goes in warning (becomes a red frame) the iQM will pop up if minimized or goes in foreground if in background.
===Minimized just Main View===
If checked just the Agent main window will be minimized if the minimize button is clicked; all other eventually open iQM Agent windows (for example the WQ) remain in normal size. This can be usefully if for example a user is just interested to see the Queue. If not checked the minimize button will minimize all open iQM agent windows.
===Hide presence Timestamp===
If checked just the presence status is shown, if uncheck also the timestamp in brackets when a presence was set is displayed.

If checked and a counter goes in alarm (becomes a red frame) the iQM will pop up if minimized or goes in foreground if in background.
===Hide abandoned/recall list===

===Use PC-Keyboard===
If checked the relative button is hided.

If checked and a iQM form (one of the forms) has the focus (has a blue head line) the iQMagent will get Keyboard strokes. You can answer a call with backspace and drop a call with the Escape key. If Keyboard is active a keyboard-symbol is displayed on the iQM main view, if not it is hide. Being active just if a iQM window is active it will be avoided that intentionally a call is answered using the keyboard in other applications. Please note that mouse actions are always active. So if for example an agent double click a number on the missed calls list his phone will dial that number. See relative howto article for further information.
===Hide unregistered Agents===

===See Calls of Agents===
If checked not registered agents are not displayed in the agent list.

If checked in the list of the Agents is also displayed the last calling party, the number of the called number or the number of the caller.
=== Show Queue frame===

Also the number of a call without answer is displayed.  
If checked frames shown where the call comes in (1rst or 2nd WQ).

This column is invisible if option is not enabled.

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Note: after changing the language the application has to restart again for a complete new setup (even if apparently the language has jet changed).
Note: after changing the language the application has to restart again for a complete new setup (even if apparently the language has jet changed).

===Password for setup===
=== Threshold Warning aband. calls===
If the number of abandoned calls is higher than this threshold a warning triangle will be displayed in the main iQM Agent window.
===Colour Agent table===
If checked the agent list is displayed in colours, see relative Wiki article.
''Frame "Permissions"''
===Allow login/out on other Agents===
If flagged this agent (typically a supervisor) can log in/out other agents to the group. To change the status of an agent this agent must open the agent view panel where all Agents and there status are displayed. A double click on the logged field will toggle the agent status.
Note: double click on the number of the agent will call the agent.
===Use PC-Keyboard===
If checked and focused the iQM agent will get Keyboard strokes. You can answer a call with backspace and drop a call with the Escape key.
===See Calls of Agents===
If checked in the Agent list is displayed also the calling party, the number of the called number or the number of the caller.
===Hide avatar===
If checked no avatar (logging status of the own phone) is shown. This is for example usefully when agents should be in a static group and never will logging in/out of a group.
===IVR JObs ON===
If the IVR feature is activated on the iQM server the possibility to get jobs from the IVR can be limited to certain agents. This flag basically switch on/off the relative Menu Item.
===Do not minimize IVR Jobs===
If checked minimizing the iQM client main window will not minimize the IVR window.
If checked the notes feature is on and a click in the time duration frame will open this feature.
===Show wrap up time===
If checked during wrap up a counter displaying the remaining wrap up time is shown.
===Extend wrap up time===
If checked the agent can reset the wrap up count-down pressing on the wrap up timer. This option requires that the option “Show wrap up time” is switched on.
===Show stay offline after wrap up key===
If checked near the wrap up time an additional avatar is displayed during wrap up. If pressed, the agent will stay offline even after wrap up.
===Hide Agent===
If checked the use can not open  the Agent view window.
===Text to Speech===
(from Build 80256)
If checked the display line showing the calling/called number (and name if available and set in the iQM Server) is promoted by the PC where the client is running. Also the number of waiting calls is promoted with a “C” (for example C1, C2, C3 etc.).
Please note that a change to this option is just active after a restart of the client. The language is the one of the windows PC. Tested only on WIN10 OS.
=== Braille Support ===
All major information are displayed in one line with proportional character set.
===Braille focus key===
Set the keyboard combination to trigger the brail focus.
===Sign for Synch===
(from Build 80256)
Enter character to find or synchronize a braille device. The character will be displayed on the right side of the braille window.
=== Notes===
(from Build 80259)
If Checked a click on the Duration field will open the field to add Notes to calls.
Once activated a click to the number field will copy the calling or called number to the notes number field. If for that number is a note jet in the note Text will be displayed automatically.
Numbers can also be configured manually.
==Tab Speed dial==
===Enable Speed-dial===
Switch on the feature in the menu.
===Allow public key setup===
If checked access to the public defined short keys is permitted.
=== Speed-dial keys always in foreground ===
The foreground can be switched on and off independently from the general foreground setup.
===Speed-dial path===
Enter the path where the speed dial data are stored. Please note that this user must have read a write access to this directory.
==Tab Activity==
The iQM client tries to understand if the Agent is on his workplace or not. This is done revealing if the mouse is moved, keyboard is used or the phone is busy, the setup is done in the “Activity control” frame.
If the phone is ringing and the Agent is not answering, after e certain time the system assumes that the Agent is not on his workplace. This setup is done in the “Phone ringing” frame.
''Frame "Activity control"''
This timer will start each time no activity is detected and will be reset if activity is detected. Activity is detected when an Agent moves the mouse or strokes a key on the mouse or on the keyboard or his phone is busy. No activity is assumed when no of those actions is detected. If the countdown timer reach zero the Agent is logged out from the Agent group.
===Activity interval ===
Time in seconds, this time is counted to zero and reset to this setup value each time activity is detected. Arrived to zero the agent is logged out of his group. Once logged out the avatar is displayed half filled. If there is a 2nd WQ the Agent logged out even from the 2nd WQ. When activity is detected again the agent is logged in the queue again, if there is a 2nd WQ the previous status is restored.
Any value not equal to zero or blank will switch on this feature. If switched on in the context menu the entry “Activity” is displayed and can be switched on or off from the Agent.
===Show activity counter===
If checked the activity count down timer is displayed. If the timer reach to zero and the Agent is logged out it displayed “X”. Clicking on the activity counter will toggle the counter (on/off) like a click in the context menu. If the counter is off a “-“ is displayed.
Please note that switching off the activity feature (clicking on the counter or unselect the feature in the contex menu) switches off also the Phone ringing detection.
''Frame “Phone ringing”''
===Logout no answer===
If the Phone of the Agent is ringing and the Agent will not answer the system will log out the agent. The ringing time in seconds can be entered here; zero o blank is equal to feature off.
If the Agent does not answer the call the Agent is logged out from his group, if there is a 2nd WQ also from the 2nd WQ. Once logged out because of this reason near the Agent avatar a warning triangle is displayed. The agent has to be switched back manually in his group clicking on the avatar. Once clicked on the avatar for manual login the warning triangle will be hided. If there is a 2nd WQ the previous status will be restored.
The warning triangle can be cleared without logging in again clicking on the triangle.
If there is the activity feature and the Logout no answer feature activated some interactions has to be observed.
Switching off the activity feature (clicking on the counter or unselect the feature in the contex menu) switches also off the Phone ringing detection.
If the Phone ringing detection triggers and log out the Agent but after that the System detected activity, the Agent will be logged in the group again. In this situation there will be displayed the warning triangle indicating that the ringing detection has triggered, but the agent will be in the group. Click on the triangle symbol to clear the warning triangle.
Phone ringing feature and activity control requires restart in some cases.
From Build 80311: In the agent list view, a (!) is displayed next to the text "Out". This allows the supervisor to see immediately when an agent has logged off due to no response
''Frame Auto Login''
===Login at start up===
When the iQM client starts up the user will be logged in the group automatically. If not checked the Agent will have the actual status found in the PBX. Please note that this feature works just with the own WQ and not with the 2nd WQ.
===Logout at Stop ===
If checked this user will be logged out form the group if this applications will be stopped. Please note that this feature works just with the own WQ and not with the 2nd WQ.
===Logout if not registered===
If checked this user will logged out from the group when the registrations is down.
===Login if registered again===
If checked this user will logged in the group when the registrations is up again.
''Frame “Automatic Pause”''
This feature is required because in some country a forced pause after a defined working time is prescribed.
===Auto Paused after ===
If a value not equal zero is in this parameter a counter is displayed in the Agent main view. If the countdown reaches zero, the Agent will be logged out.
===End Paused after ===
If auto paused is reached and in this field a value is in a second timer will start and log in the Agent again when the countdown reaches zero. See relative wiki article for more information.
===Stop Countdown if offline===
If this flag is selected the countdown of the auto paused timer will stop if the Agent is offline (no matter because automatically or manually). In practice without that flag the working time runs when the auto paused timer starts, if flagged just a logged in period is considered as working time.
''Frame “Auto CFU”''
This panel switch a call forward unconditional (CFU) onthe user phone on. (Build 80251)
Please do not activate a password for the setup if this feature is required because it is not possible reach the setup again using the Setup start-up parameter. If for error this occurs please delete the setup file and start the setup again.
===Clear CFU at Start-up===
If checked all CFU on the Agent will be cleared when the iQM Agent client starts. Eventual CFNA and CFB are not switched.
===Set CFU at stop===
If the program is stopped a CFU is switched on with the destination number indicated here. Leave blank to switch off the feature. The CFU can be modified manually on the phone, for example with a feature key or using the menu options.
===Client CFU only===
If in the PBX is an iQM server running it is also possible activate the auto CFU feature for users witch are not Agents. If this option is flagged the clear and set CFU is done. Please note that in this case the iQM client cannot be opened and, the tray icon is switched off. To modify the setup you must start the client using the SETUP option, starting the application with this extension (“iQMagent.exe SETUP”), so try first the function and then switch this option on. Typically the program will be launched automatically using the autostart feature of windows.
==Tab 2nd Waiting Queue==
This panel controls the 2nd waiting queue (if present in the system, otherwise skip this info).
===Hide 2nd WQ===
If checked the Agent will not see the 2nd WQ. Disable automatic join and check PBX (Agent should not be part of) to avoid that calls from the 2nd WQ are assigned to this agent. If changed a restart of the client is required.
===Hide 2nd Avatar===
The Avata of the 2nd WQ is hided
===Hide 2nd Agent===
The Number of agent and the log status of the agent in the 2nd WQ is hided.
''Frame “Become member of the 2nd waiting queue if there are”''
The membership to the 2nd WQ can be controlled dynamically in function of calls and agents.
There are 2 conditions: Number of calls in my own WQ and Numbers of calls in the 2nd WQ.
If just one of the two conditions is enabled the checked one is considered, if both are checked the two conditions has to fulfilled both (and).
===less Calls in my WQ===
If checked the Client will send to the iQM Server a login command if there are less calls in the own WQ than selected using the slider. A number (threshold) of calls can be defined using the slider. The value of the slider is indicated as number also in the right side if the slider.
Zero has no real sense, one means that if in the own WQ are no calls the Agent becomes member of the 2nd WQ, two that the membership is given if there less than two (one or zero) calls etc.
Please note that if even the second option “more calls in 2.WQ” is checked both conditions have to be true.
Example: “Less calls in my WQ”= 2 and “more calls in 2.WQ” = 1. Only if in my WQ is one or zero calls and in the 2nd WQ are at least two calls a membership to the 2nd WQ is given.
===Number of default agents in my WQ===
If blank or zero this option is off.
The indicated default value of logged Agents is used to change dynamically the value of “less Calls in my WQ”. If there are fewer Agents the number will rise, if there are more Agents the value become fewer.
Example: “less calls in my WQ” = 8, “Number of default agents in my WQ” = 4. Logged Agent = 4 will not change the “less calls” value (therefore = 8). If there are just 2 Agents logged the value of “less calls” will go to 16 (8/2=4*4 = 16), if there are 6 Agents logged the value of calls will be 1 (8/6 = 1,33 *4 = 5,32 = 5).
===more calls in 2. WQ===
If enabled a number (threshold) of calls can be defined using the slider. The value of the slider is indicated as number also in the right side if the slider.
If the number of calls in the 2nd WQ in higher than indicated you will become member of the 2nd WQ and receive also calls from the second WQ.
Please note that if even the “less Calls in my WQ” is checked also that condition has to be fulfilled.
===Number of default agents in the 2nd WQ===
If blank or zero this option is off.
The principle is the same than in “Number of default agents in my WQ” but the number of logged Agent in the 2nd is taken.
Please note that this feature works only if there is another iQM server for the 2nd WQ running. The number of logged Agent in the 2nd WQ is transmitted from the iQM Server of the 2nd WQ.
Note: If there are two iQM Server and each has as 2nd WQ the main WQ of the other, one will be the Slave and one the Master iQM Server. Observe that the number of logged Agents in the Master is transmitted to the Slave iQM Server (and therefore also on his clients) every 5 seconds while vice versa (Slave Agent Situation to the Master) is transmitted immediately. A delay in the server iQM is the result, so from a logging on an Agent worst case for five seconds the thresholds could work with the previous value.
''Frame “Manual/Automatic”''
===Show Agent auto/manual===
If checked near the avatar of the 2nd WQ a Queue Symbol is displayed showing the Mode of the 2nd Waiting Queue. Grey means Manual mode, green means Automatic mode. Clicking the Symbol the Agent can switch between automatic and manual mode. In manual mode the settings in this page are switched off and the Agent can switch the membership manually clicking on the avatar.
===Start always in automatic mode===
If checked the client will start always in automatic mode. During shut down the client saved his parameter, if this option is not checked the client will start in the last mode.
===No manual login/out===
If checked a click on the Avatar will not toggle group status of the 2nd WQ

If defined it is necessary to input the password to access to this menu, if black direct access is possible. Please note that after inserting the password you have to press the “setup” button again.
==Tab Dashboard==

''Frame Dashboard''

===Work as Dashboard===
===Work as Dashboard===

If selected a Dashboard is displayed. Remember that a Dashboard is just an Agent with a different layout, so no special Dashboard software is available. If the Dashboard option is selected on the next restart the Agent main view will be hide automatically and you will find just the Dashboard windows open. If you close the Dashboard window the main Agent view window will appear (to allow the access to the setup). See next agument.
If selected a Dashboard is displayed. Remember that a Dashboard is just an Agent with a different layout, so no special Dashboard software is available. If the Dashboard option is selected on the next restart the Agent main view will be hide automatically and you will find just the Dashboard windows open. If you close the Dashboard window the main Agent view window will appear (to allow the access to the setup). See next argument.
===Width 1360 pixel 16:9===
The Agent View is displayed in a 4:3 ratio (800x600 pixel), but if displayed on TV flat screen monitor or 16:9 beamer the ratio can be switched to 1360x600 pixel. There will remain anyway a small horizontal unused space for eventual additional information.
===Show Agent view===
If Dashboard option is on no other iQMagent windows are displayed. This is useful for normal Dashboard operation, but if a supervisor want control the Agent and counters the Dashboard window will be just one of the open iQM windows. If selected also with dashboard option enabled no iQM window will be automatically hided.
===Threshold Calls 100%===
The 100% for graphic bar (progress bar like) showing the number of calls in the queue can be defined here. If for example you enter “5” if five or more calls are in the queue 100% will be displayed. The real number of calls is displayed anyway in the counter.
===Threshold Time 100%===
Enter the 100% value for graphic bar (progress bar like) showing the expired time in the queue. If for example you enter “15” after 15 seconds 100% will be displayed. The real number of seconds is displayed anyway in the counter.
Remember that the bar will change color and a warning message will appear if the warning threshold is reached. This setup has no influence on the warning thresholds defined in the iQM Server.
Please note that the number of agent must not be defined because this information is load automatically from the iQM server.
===Work as Supervisor===
From Build 80308.
Flag only if the related iQM Server has to be switched also in Supervisor mode (see iQM Server online Help)!
see also [[Reference9:IQM_Supervisor_Help_English]]
''Frame "iQM admin''
===Work as iQM Admin===
If checked on top of the dashboard this agent can also press in a remote way the keys on the iQM Server. See relative Wiki article.
===Stop iQM Server===
If checked this agent can stop the iQM Server. Typically used only if the server is installed as a service.
===Sound file===
You can indicate e file to play locally on the agent PC if threshold on the server are reached. See relative Wiki article.

===Show Agent view===
===Show Agent view===
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As explained in the point before if Dashboard option is on no other iQMagent windows are displayed. This is useful for normal Dashboard operation, but if a supervisor want control the Agent and counters the Dashboard window will be just one of the open iQM windows. If selected also with dashboard option enabled no iQM window will be automatically hided.
As explained in the point before if Dashboard option is on no other iQMagent windows are displayed. This is useful for normal Dashboard operation, but if a supervisor want control the Agent and counters the Dashboard window will be just one of the open iQM windows. If selected also with dashboard option enabled no iQM window will be automatically hided.

===Width 1360 pixel 16:9===
''Frame "Statistics'' (build 80.325)
===Show Statistics===
Shows the statistics of the WQ (from build 80303). Flag "Work as Dashboard" must be checked.
see also [[Reference9:IQM_Statistic_Help_English]]
===Manual Mail statistics===
When selected, a mail button appears in the statistics dashboard. If the button is pressed, the iqm server sends an email with the essential statistic information of the actual page. The email recipient is the address stored on iqm sever.
===Weekly Mail report===
If selected, an email will be sent at midnight at 00:00 on Sunday with the essential statistical data about the week. Please note that this client must be switched on in the night between Saturday and Sunday for automatic sending
==Tab Application Launcher==
''Frame “Start external Application”''
===Launch Path===
In this text field the path to a application can be indicated. Please note that this field is a free text field and can contain any type of text.

The Agent View is displayed in a 4:3 ratio (800x600 pixel), but if displayed on TV flat screen monitor or 16:9 beamer the ratio can be switched to 1360x600 pixel. There will remain anyway a small horizontal unused space for eventual additional information.
===Add calling number===

===Calls and Time===
If checked the calling number will be automatically added when launching.

The 100% for graphic bar (progress bar like) showing the number of calls in the queue can be defined here. If for example you enter 5 if 5 or more calls are in the queue 100% will be displayed. The real number is displayed anyway with the counter.  
There are 3 methods in adding the called number: “add as argument” try pass the parameter as argument, “add instring” adding to the text the number separated by the sign indicated, “write in a file” will write the number in a file called “myCall.txt” and calls the application.

The same setup can be done for time in seconds.
Example1: if in the launcher is indicated “http://x.y.z.w./mysample/myProgramm.php”, the option “add instring” is selected and a “/” is indicated in the “add instring” text field and the extension 1234 call the agent iQM tries to starthttp://x.y.z.w./mysample/myprogramm.php/1234.

Remember that the bar will change color and a warning message will appear if the warning threshold is reached. This setup has no influence on that, the warning thresholds are defined in the iQM Server.
Example2: if in the launcher is indicated “” a browser will start and open

Please note that the number of agent must not be defined because this information is load automatically from the iQM server.

The external application is started each time the agent answers a call.

iQM tries to understand if the Agent is on his workplace or not.
===Manual Launch===

===Activity interval (sec)===
If checked the relative button is displayed on the user panel. If pressed the application indicated in the launch path will be called.

This timer will start each time no activity is detected and will be reset if activity is detected. Activity is when an Agent moves the mouse or strokes a key on the mouse or on the keyboard or in on the phone. No activity is when no of those actions is detected. If the countdown timer reach zero the Agent is logged out from the Agent group.  
===Debug ON===
If checked a log record will be written in the iQM log file each time a application is launched. Usefully in setup, please switch of in normal operation because the log file will be filled unnecessarily.

===Logout no ans. (sec)===
''Frame “Automatic myPBX start”''

If the Phone of the Agent is ringing and he will not answer the call within the time of this parameter the Agents is logged out from the Agent group. This prevent that the waiting queue proceed another call to a unmanned Agent Phone.
===Start myPBX===

===Auto Login===
With this option checked an installed myPBX can be started each time the Agent changes. Using the feature hot-desking therefore a new Agent on a Phone doing a registration will change automatically this client but also the myPBX User. See relative Wiki article.

As explained before iQMAgent will log out an Agent Phone from the Agent group if no activity or no answer is detected. If the auto login option is checked an automatic log in will be done if activity is detected again. So if the Agent is logged out (not manually, but because of activity or no answer) and he move mouse, press keyboard or pick up the phone he will be logged automatically in again.
===Set Path===

Note: Those options and the relative status are displayed in the Agent view main form, see relative wiki article for further information.  
Set path to the installed myPBX program.

===Manual pause (in seconds)===
==Tab Misc==

A gent can press the “pause” key and will be logged out from the Agent group. The pause counter will count down and log in the Agent again if zero is reached. The counting is displayed in real time. The counter can be stopped pressing the login key. The idea is that the Agent goes in a defined Pause timespan (for example he leaves his workplace for 5 Minutes) but has not to be afraid to forget the login again.
''Frame “Call Back Request - remote groups”''
This is the label of the remote group. Blank = Button switched off
A directory dialog will open to select the path. Note: Path can also be insert directly.
Path to the remote directory where the remote iQM Server of other groups stores his outbound files (Example: "c:\theOtherGroup\")
Opens the indicated path to check access.

===Auto Paused after (minutes)===
==Tab sIVR==
from Build 80270
Put in the level in the iVR reached. Enter always the entire number path. For example “1” for the selection in the first level, “11” for the first item in the second level or “112” for the second selection in the third level.
Description of the menu item, for example "Private" or "Insurance"

If a value is in this parameter a counter is displayed in the Agent main view. If the countdown reaches zero, the Agent will be logged out. This feature is required because in some country a forced pause after a defined working time is prescribed.
sXML required, see [[Howto:Simple_IVR]]

===Stop Countdown if offline===
Note: the setup for this feature is saved in the setup folder named "sIVR.txt". You can copy it in other Agent PC´s to speed up setup.

If this flag is selected the countdown of the auto paused timer will stop if the Agent is offline (no matter because, automatically or manually). In practice without that flag the working time runs when the auto paused timer starts, if flagged just a logged in period is considered as working time.
==Known issues==
It could happen that the Queue Monitor Agent window is truncated. The effect of this issue is, that the 2nd waiting queue information are missing. The reason for this is the screen resolution setting in windows. To solve the problem, the screen resolution adaption must be switched off (set to 100%) in windows system settings.

===End Paused after (minute)===
= Security Warning =

If auto paused is reached and in this field a value is in a second timer will start and log in the Agent again when the countdown reaches zero. See relative wiki article for more information.
Using this feature imposes an inherent security risk. Keep in mind that both the user name and the password is in any case sent in clear over the wire. There is no way to work around this issue. But at least the information is not kept in the browsers history file.

Latest revision as of 14:53, 5 December 2022

The parameters for the setup of the iQM Agent are configured here. This help describes iQM Build 80105.

Note: Agent setup is stored in a text file in the user directory of the PC. See Wiki article for more information. Note: From version 1.53 on the setup information is stored in the “iQMagent” directory of the user. Therefore upgrade from older versions requires a new setup. From Version 1.70 on the setup can also be stored in the directory where iQM Agent is running.

General Items

“Version”: indicates the actual version of the iQM Client Software

“Exit (no save)”: Close the setup without saving eventual modified parameter

“Save and Exit”: Close the setup and save all parameter. Please note that some modifications (for example the setup of the language) requires a restart.

“Open trace/setup folder”: this link will open the directory where the application stores the setup, logs and other files.

“Debug ON”: Switch on only if requested from innovaphone technical support. Additional trace info will be written in the log.

“Save setup local”: If flagged the (this) setup will be stored in the directory where iQM Agent is running, if not flagged in the user directory. This flag must be switched on in case of Hotdesking or if several iQM Agent sessions should be run on one single PC. Please note that in this case the application must have read and write rights to the own directory (typically admin rights).

“Help (online)”: open this page. Please note that the link to this help page cannot be modified while the link to the user help can be modified.

Tab Communication

Frame iQM Client

Agent Name

Enter the common Name of the Agent.

Please note that the name has to be exactly the same than shown in the PBX. Please note that the namein the PBX called “Long Name”. If the name is wrong no association between this client and the Agent (and his Phone) can be done.

In some cases this is intentionally, for example because the Agent is a supervisor and do not want act on his phone, but view the various windows. In this case just enter a part of the name or switch first and second name or similar.

Note: if this field is leaved empty and also no IP-Address is defined the system will create automatically a nickname. In this way the iQM Server can identify this client and send data to the correct destination.

WARNING :Please note that the iQM Server track the name of the agent as nickname for the connection. Therefore just one agent in a system should be logged at any time with the same name. If more clients are working on the same iQM Server with the same name unpredictable indications on the client would be the result. Note that also that even if the client is used as a dashboard a unique name is required! From Build 80082 on even more clients can use the same name if on different IP-address (PC). On top if a customer try to start the agent twice on the same PC a warning message is shown and invite him not to start the second client. Ignore this warning if different users are assigned.

Ip-Address of the Phone

If you put in in this field the IP-Address of the associated Phone the feature “Hotedesking” is automatically on.

Please note that iQM Agent in this case modify the the Common Name. See relative Wiki article. If blank the feature Hotdesking is off.

In the PBX detected parameter

The following line shows the IP address of the IP Phone (if found in the PBX) and the model (for example “IP222”). Please note that just one Phone will be detected.

The IP-Address of the innovaphone PBX is shown in the following line.

Password for setup

To protect this setup with a password. If defined it is necessary to input the password to access to this menu, if blank feature is off.

If “Show character” is checked the password is displayed in clear.

Please note that after inserting the password you have to press the “setup” button again.

Note that the password is stored encrypted in the setup file.

Frame my iQM Server

If in the System is just one iQM Server (single installation) fill out this parameter and leave blank all data in the iQM Master Server field.

iQM server IP Address

Address of the iQM server. The address of the server is displayed if you open the setup of the iQM server.

If there is no communication between iQMagent and iQM server check first the IP-connection (ping the server from the agent PC etc.).

Server must be reachable via IP-address (either direct or VPN). DNS is not supported.

iQM server Port

Enter the port of the iQM server, it must be the same than the one indicated in the setup of the iQM server (example: 9090).


If the access to the iQM Server is protected by a password you have to insert it her (build 80181)

Swap DD/MM

Date representation depends on the setup of the PC, the agent will receive date information from the iQM server. If a date instead of DD/MM/YYYY is set to MM/DD/YYYY the recall table will not be filled correctly. If the recall table is not shown please try this option.

Frame iQM Master Server

If there are two iQM Server in the Scenario one will be the Master and one the Slave Server.

If this Agent serves the second WQ on the Slave iQM Server put the connection data of the second iQM (the Slave) in the left frame while here has to be defined the connection to the iQM Master server.

The field are the same than the one described on the my iQM Server frame.

Help Url

If blank and the iQM Agent main window help is a link to the innovaphone wiki and shows the relative help page.

This can be switched off if a link is entered here, pointing for example on a webpage of the partner or user.

Own IP address

IP Address of the Ethernet adapter detected automatically. This field cannot be edited.


List of all IP adapter addresses detected. Here can be selected one specific address, after a restart the connection to the iQM Server will opened using that adapter.

This setup should be modified just in case of problems and complex installations, so do not modify the automatic detection.

From HF33 / Build 80287 on : A list of all detected adapters is shown (“IP adapter found”). In the field ”own IP address” you must put in the address of your IP adapter.

Tab Layout

Frame "Windows"

Always in foreground

If checked the iQM window is hold always in foreground. Also the other main windows of the client (queue, Agent- and recall list) will be hold in foreground.

Dock on Agentview

All windows will dock automatically to the main agent view window. If you move the main windows all other will “follow”, the feeling is to move one big window. If you enable this option the list of Agent will be not sized automatically but displayed in a fix height.

Note: all windows in iQM will store their position if closed, if opened again they will appear on their last position. In this way even if not docked automatically an individual disposition for an Agent can be realized.

Pop-up/in foreground if warning

If checked and a counter goes in warning (becomes a red frame) the iQM will pop up if minimized or goes in foreground if in background.

Minimized just Main View

If checked just the Agent main window will be minimized if the minimize button is clicked; all other eventually open iQM Agent windows (for example the WQ) remain in normal size. This can be usefully if for example a user is just interested to see the Queue. If not checked the minimize button will minimize all open iQM agent windows.

Hide presence Timestamp

If checked just the presence status is shown, if uncheck also the timestamp in brackets when a presence was set is displayed.

Hide abandoned/recall list

If checked the relative button is hided.

Hide unregistered Agents

If checked not registered agents are not displayed in the agent list.

Show Queue frame

If checked frames shown where the call comes in (1rst or 2nd WQ).


Select the language for the Agent. Please note that all language topics will be loaded from the server, so just languages available in the iQMserver will be available also for the client. 4 languages are as default selectable, see relative wiki article for more information.

Note: after changing the language the application has to restart again for a complete new setup (even if apparently the language has jet changed).

Threshold Warning aband. calls

If the number of abandoned calls is higher than this threshold a warning triangle will be displayed in the main iQM Agent window.

Colour Agent table

If checked the agent list is displayed in colours, see relative Wiki article.

Frame "Permissions"

Allow login/out on other Agents

If flagged this agent (typically a supervisor) can log in/out other agents to the group. To change the status of an agent this agent must open the agent view panel where all Agents and there status are displayed. A double click on the logged field will toggle the agent status.

Note: double click on the number of the agent will call the agent.

Use PC-Keyboard

If checked and focused the iQM agent will get Keyboard strokes. You can answer a call with backspace and drop a call with the Escape key.

See Calls of Agents

If checked in the Agent list is displayed also the calling party, the number of the called number or the number of the caller.

Hide avatar

If checked no avatar (logging status of the own phone) is shown. This is for example usefully when agents should be in a static group and never will logging in/out of a group.


If the IVR feature is activated on the iQM server the possibility to get jobs from the IVR can be limited to certain agents. This flag basically switch on/off the relative Menu Item.

Do not minimize IVR Jobs

If checked minimizing the iQM client main window will not minimize the IVR window.


If checked the notes feature is on and a click in the time duration frame will open this feature.

Show wrap up time

If checked during wrap up a counter displaying the remaining wrap up time is shown.

Extend wrap up time

If checked the agent can reset the wrap up count-down pressing on the wrap up timer. This option requires that the option “Show wrap up time” is switched on.

Show stay offline after wrap up key

If checked near the wrap up time an additional avatar is displayed during wrap up. If pressed, the agent will stay offline even after wrap up.

Hide Agent

If checked the use can not open the Agent view window.

Text to Speech

(from Build 80256)

If checked the display line showing the calling/called number (and name if available and set in the iQM Server) is promoted by the PC where the client is running. Also the number of waiting calls is promoted with a “C” (for example C1, C2, C3 etc.).

Please note that a change to this option is just active after a restart of the client. The language is the one of the windows PC. Tested only on WIN10 OS.

Braille Support

All major information are displayed in one line with proportional character set.

Braille focus key

Set the keyboard combination to trigger the brail focus.

Sign for Synch

(from Build 80256)

Enter character to find or synchronize a braille device. The character will be displayed on the right side of the braille window.


(from Build 80259) If Checked a click on the Duration field will open the field to add Notes to calls. Once activated a click to the number field will copy the calling or called number to the notes number field. If for that number is a note jet in the note Text will be displayed automatically.

Numbers can also be configured manually.

Tab Speed dial

Enable Speed-dial

Switch on the feature in the menu.

Allow public key setup

If checked access to the public defined short keys is permitted.

Speed-dial keys always in foreground

The foreground can be switched on and off independently from the general foreground setup.

Speed-dial path

Enter the path where the speed dial data are stored. Please note that this user must have read a write access to this directory.

Tab Activity

The iQM client tries to understand if the Agent is on his workplace or not. This is done revealing if the mouse is moved, keyboard is used or the phone is busy, the setup is done in the “Activity control” frame.

If the phone is ringing and the Agent is not answering, after e certain time the system assumes that the Agent is not on his workplace. This setup is done in the “Phone ringing” frame.

Frame "Activity control"

This timer will start each time no activity is detected and will be reset if activity is detected. Activity is detected when an Agent moves the mouse or strokes a key on the mouse or on the keyboard or his phone is busy. No activity is assumed when no of those actions is detected. If the countdown timer reach zero the Agent is logged out from the Agent group.

Activity interval

Time in seconds, this time is counted to zero and reset to this setup value each time activity is detected. Arrived to zero the agent is logged out of his group. Once logged out the avatar is displayed half filled. If there is a 2nd WQ the Agent logged out even from the 2nd WQ. When activity is detected again the agent is logged in the queue again, if there is a 2nd WQ the previous status is restored.

Any value not equal to zero or blank will switch on this feature. If switched on in the context menu the entry “Activity” is displayed and can be switched on or off from the Agent.

Show activity counter

If checked the activity count down timer is displayed. If the timer reach to zero and the Agent is logged out it displayed “X”. Clicking on the activity counter will toggle the counter (on/off) like a click in the context menu. If the counter is off a “-“ is displayed.

Please note that switching off the activity feature (clicking on the counter or unselect the feature in the contex menu) switches off also the Phone ringing detection.

Frame “Phone ringing”

Logout no answer

If the Phone of the Agent is ringing and the Agent will not answer the system will log out the agent. The ringing time in seconds can be entered here; zero o blank is equal to feature off.

If the Agent does not answer the call the Agent is logged out from his group, if there is a 2nd WQ also from the 2nd WQ. Once logged out because of this reason near the Agent avatar a warning triangle is displayed. The agent has to be switched back manually in his group clicking on the avatar. Once clicked on the avatar for manual login the warning triangle will be hided. If there is a 2nd WQ the previous status will be restored.

The warning triangle can be cleared without logging in again clicking on the triangle.

If there is the activity feature and the Logout no answer feature activated some interactions has to be observed.

Switching off the activity feature (clicking on the counter or unselect the feature in the contex menu) switches also off the Phone ringing detection.

If the Phone ringing detection triggers and log out the Agent but after that the System detected activity, the Agent will be logged in the group again. In this situation there will be displayed the warning triangle indicating that the ringing detection has triggered, but the agent will be in the group. Click on the triangle symbol to clear the warning triangle.

Phone ringing feature and activity control requires restart in some cases.

From Build 80311: In the agent list view, a (!) is displayed next to the text "Out". This allows the supervisor to see immediately when an agent has logged off due to no response

Frame Auto Login

Login at start up

When the iQM client starts up the user will be logged in the group automatically. If not checked the Agent will have the actual status found in the PBX. Please note that this feature works just with the own WQ and not with the 2nd WQ.

Logout at Stop

If checked this user will be logged out form the group if this applications will be stopped. Please note that this feature works just with the own WQ and not with the 2nd WQ.

Logout if not registered

If checked this user will logged out from the group when the registrations is down.

Login if registered again

If checked this user will logged in the group when the registrations is up again.

Frame “Automatic Pause”

This feature is required because in some country a forced pause after a defined working time is prescribed.

Auto Paused after

If a value not equal zero is in this parameter a counter is displayed in the Agent main view. If the countdown reaches zero, the Agent will be logged out.

End Paused after

If auto paused is reached and in this field a value is in a second timer will start and log in the Agent again when the countdown reaches zero. See relative wiki article for more information.

Stop Countdown if offline

If this flag is selected the countdown of the auto paused timer will stop if the Agent is offline (no matter because automatically or manually). In practice without that flag the working time runs when the auto paused timer starts, if flagged just a logged in period is considered as working time.

Frame “Auto CFU”

This panel switch a call forward unconditional (CFU) onthe user phone on. (Build 80251)

Please do not activate a password for the setup if this feature is required because it is not possible reach the setup again using the Setup start-up parameter. If for error this occurs please delete the setup file and start the setup again.

Clear CFU at Start-up

If checked all CFU on the Agent will be cleared when the iQM Agent client starts. Eventual CFNA and CFB are not switched.

Set CFU at stop

If the program is stopped a CFU is switched on with the destination number indicated here. Leave blank to switch off the feature. The CFU can be modified manually on the phone, for example with a feature key or using the menu options.

Client CFU only

If in the PBX is an iQM server running it is also possible activate the auto CFU feature for users witch are not Agents. If this option is flagged the clear and set CFU is done. Please note that in this case the iQM client cannot be opened and, the tray icon is switched off. To modify the setup you must start the client using the SETUP option, starting the application with this extension (“iQMagent.exe SETUP”), so try first the function and then switch this option on. Typically the program will be launched automatically using the autostart feature of windows.

Tab 2nd Waiting Queue

This panel controls the 2nd waiting queue (if present in the system, otherwise skip this info).

Hide 2nd WQ

If checked the Agent will not see the 2nd WQ. Disable automatic join and check PBX (Agent should not be part of) to avoid that calls from the 2nd WQ are assigned to this agent. If changed a restart of the client is required.

Hide 2nd Avatar

The Avata of the 2nd WQ is hided

Hide 2nd Agent

The Number of agent and the log status of the agent in the 2nd WQ is hided.

Frame “Become member of the 2nd waiting queue if there are”

The membership to the 2nd WQ can be controlled dynamically in function of calls and agents.

There are 2 conditions: Number of calls in my own WQ and Numbers of calls in the 2nd WQ.

If just one of the two conditions is enabled the checked one is considered, if both are checked the two conditions has to fulfilled both (and).

less Calls in my WQ

If checked the Client will send to the iQM Server a login command if there are less calls in the own WQ than selected using the slider. A number (threshold) of calls can be defined using the slider. The value of the slider is indicated as number also in the right side if the slider.

Zero has no real sense, one means that if in the own WQ are no calls the Agent becomes member of the 2nd WQ, two that the membership is given if there less than two (one or zero) calls etc. Please note that if even the second option “more calls in 2.WQ” is checked both conditions have to be true.

Example: “Less calls in my WQ”= 2 and “more calls in 2.WQ” = 1. Only if in my WQ is one or zero calls and in the 2nd WQ are at least two calls a membership to the 2nd WQ is given.

Number of default agents in my WQ

If blank or zero this option is off.

The indicated default value of logged Agents is used to change dynamically the value of “less Calls in my WQ”. If there are fewer Agents the number will rise, if there are more Agents the value become fewer.

Example: “less calls in my WQ” = 8, “Number of default agents in my WQ” = 4. Logged Agent = 4 will not change the “less calls” value (therefore = 8). If there are just 2 Agents logged the value of “less calls” will go to 16 (8/2=4*4 = 16), if there are 6 Agents logged the value of calls will be 1 (8/6 = 1,33 *4 = 5,32 = 5).

more calls in 2. WQ

If enabled a number (threshold) of calls can be defined using the slider. The value of the slider is indicated as number also in the right side if the slider.

If the number of calls in the 2nd WQ in higher than indicated you will become member of the 2nd WQ and receive also calls from the second WQ.

Please note that if even the “less Calls in my WQ” is checked also that condition has to be fulfilled.

Number of default agents in the 2nd WQ

If blank or zero this option is off.

The principle is the same than in “Number of default agents in my WQ” but the number of logged Agent in the 2nd is taken.

Please note that this feature works only if there is another iQM server for the 2nd WQ running. The number of logged Agent in the 2nd WQ is transmitted from the iQM Server of the 2nd WQ.

Note: If there are two iQM Server and each has as 2nd WQ the main WQ of the other, one will be the Slave and one the Master iQM Server. Observe that the number of logged Agents in the Master is transmitted to the Slave iQM Server (and therefore also on his clients) every 5 seconds while vice versa (Slave Agent Situation to the Master) is transmitted immediately. A delay in the server iQM is the result, so from a logging on an Agent worst case for five seconds the thresholds could work with the previous value.

Frame “Manual/Automatic”

Show Agent auto/manual

If checked near the avatar of the 2nd WQ a Queue Symbol is displayed showing the Mode of the 2nd Waiting Queue. Grey means Manual mode, green means Automatic mode. Clicking the Symbol the Agent can switch between automatic and manual mode. In manual mode the settings in this page are switched off and the Agent can switch the membership manually clicking on the avatar.

Start always in automatic mode

If checked the client will start always in automatic mode. During shut down the client saved his parameter, if this option is not checked the client will start in the last mode.

No manual login/out

If checked a click on the Avatar will not toggle group status of the 2nd WQ

Tab Dashboard

Frame Dashboard

Work as Dashboard

If selected a Dashboard is displayed. Remember that a Dashboard is just an Agent with a different layout, so no special Dashboard software is available. If the Dashboard option is selected on the next restart the Agent main view will be hide automatically and you will find just the Dashboard windows open. If you close the Dashboard window the main Agent view window will appear (to allow the access to the setup). See next argument.

Width 1360 pixel 16:9

The Agent View is displayed in a 4:3 ratio (800x600 pixel), but if displayed on TV flat screen monitor or 16:9 beamer the ratio can be switched to 1360x600 pixel. There will remain anyway a small horizontal unused space for eventual additional information.

Show Agent view

If Dashboard option is on no other iQMagent windows are displayed. This is useful for normal Dashboard operation, but if a supervisor want control the Agent and counters the Dashboard window will be just one of the open iQM windows. If selected also with dashboard option enabled no iQM window will be automatically hided.

Threshold Calls 100%

The 100% for graphic bar (progress bar like) showing the number of calls in the queue can be defined here. If for example you enter “5” if five or more calls are in the queue 100% will be displayed. The real number of calls is displayed anyway in the counter.

Threshold Time 100%

Enter the 100% value for graphic bar (progress bar like) showing the expired time in the queue. If for example you enter “15” after 15 seconds 100% will be displayed. The real number of seconds is displayed anyway in the counter.

Remember that the bar will change color and a warning message will appear if the warning threshold is reached. This setup has no influence on the warning thresholds defined in the iQM Server. Please note that the number of agent must not be defined because this information is load automatically from the iQM server.

Work as Supervisor

From Build 80308.

Flag only if the related iQM Server has to be switched also in Supervisor mode (see iQM Server online Help)!

see also Reference9:IQM_Supervisor_Help_English

Frame "iQM admin

Work as iQM Admin

If checked on top of the dashboard this agent can also press in a remote way the keys on the iQM Server. See relative Wiki article.

Stop iQM Server

If checked this agent can stop the iQM Server. Typically used only if the server is installed as a service.

Sound file

You can indicate e file to play locally on the agent PC if threshold on the server are reached. See relative Wiki article.

Show Agent view

As explained in the point before if Dashboard option is on no other iQMagent windows are displayed. This is useful for normal Dashboard operation, but if a supervisor want control the Agent and counters the Dashboard window will be just one of the open iQM windows. If selected also with dashboard option enabled no iQM window will be automatically hided.

Frame "Statistics (build 80.325)

Show Statistics

Shows the statistics of the WQ (from build 80303). Flag "Work as Dashboard" must be checked.

see also Reference9:IQM_Statistic_Help_English

Manual Mail statistics

When selected, a mail button appears in the statistics dashboard. If the button is pressed, the iqm server sends an email with the essential statistic information of the actual page. The email recipient is the address stored on iqm sever.

Weekly Mail report

If selected, an email will be sent at midnight at 00:00 on Sunday with the essential statistical data about the week. Please note that this client must be switched on in the night between Saturday and Sunday for automatic sending

Tab Application Launcher

Frame “Start external Application”

Launch Path

In this text field the path to a application can be indicated. Please note that this field is a free text field and can contain any type of text.

Add calling number

If checked the calling number will be automatically added when launching.

There are 3 methods in adding the called number: “add as argument” try pass the parameter as argument, “add instring” adding to the text the number separated by the sign indicated, “write in a file” will write the number in a file called “myCall.txt” and calls the application.

Example1: if in the launcher is indicated “http://x.y.z.w./mysample/myProgramm.php”, the option “add instring” is selected and a “/” is indicated in the “add instring” text field and the extension 1234 call the agent iQM tries to starthttp://x.y.z.w./mysample/myprogramm.php/1234.

Example2: if in the launcher is indicated “” a browser will start and open


The external application is started each time the agent answers a call.

Manual Launch

If checked the relative button is displayed on the user panel. If pressed the application indicated in the launch path will be called.

Debug ON

If checked a log record will be written in the iQM log file each time a application is launched. Usefully in setup, please switch of in normal operation because the log file will be filled unnecessarily.

Frame “Automatic myPBX start”

Start myPBX

With this option checked an installed myPBX can be started each time the Agent changes. Using the feature hot-desking therefore a new Agent on a Phone doing a registration will change automatically this client but also the myPBX User. See relative Wiki article.

Set Path

Set path to the installed myPBX program.

Tab Misc

Frame “Call Back Request - remote groups”


This is the label of the remote group. Blank = Button switched off


A directory dialog will open to select the path. Note: Path can also be insert directly.


Path to the remote directory where the remote iQM Server of other groups stores his outbound files (Example: "c:\theOtherGroup\")


Opens the indicated path to check access.

Tab sIVR

from Build 80270


Put in the level in the iVR reached. Enter always the entire number path. For example “1” for the selection in the first level, “11” for the first item in the second level or “112” for the second selection in the third level.


Description of the menu item, for example "Private" or "Insurance"

sXML required, see Howto:Simple_IVR

Note: the setup for this feature is saved in the setup folder named "sIVR.txt". You can copy it in other Agent PC´s to speed up setup.

Known issues

It could happen that the Queue Monitor Agent window is truncated. The effect of this issue is, that the 2nd waiting queue information are missing. The reason for this is the screen resolution setting in windows. To solve the problem, the screen resolution adaption must be switched off (set to 100%) in windows system settings.

Security Warning

Using this feature imposes an inherent security risk. Keep in mind that both the user name and the password is in any case sent in clear over the wire. There is no way to work around this issue. But at least the information is not kept in the browsers history file.