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Revision as of 15:53, 16 April 2010

Howto-ACHAT - Authensis - 3rd Party Product - vendor logo.jpg
ACHAT - Authensis - 3rd Party Product - Achat.png

Product Name


Certification Status

Recprod.PNG The tests for this product have been completed and it has been approved as a recommended product (Certification document).

Testing of this product has been finalized December 10th, 2008.



  • ACHAT work
  • ACHAT control
  • ACD (automatic call distribution)
  • CTI (computer telephony integration)
  • CRM
  • E-Mail Route
  • Evaluate
  • Predictive / Power Dialer
  • Statistics
  • Supervisor and Agent Clients
  • Voice route
  • Voice dial
  • Web Call Me
  • Web Collaboration


Version 8.00


authensis Aktiengesellschaft für Kommunikation


The sophisticated ACHAT modules organize your workflow and support the management of service quality in your call center:

Voice Route:The ACHAT Voice Route ACD distributes all incoming calls as fast as possible to the best suitable agent. VIP customers can be identified and treated accordingly. Skill Based Routing looks for particularly qualified agents.

Voice Dial: The ACHAT Voice Dial dialer generates outgoing connections. It processes whole call campaigns automatically with predictive and power dialing algorithms and applies preview where appropriate. Fax devices, modems, busy or no-answer are filtered automatically.

E-Mail Route: Incoming e-mails are distributed by the ACHAT E-Mail Route module just as fast and precise as incoming calls – as well as incoming faxes, SMS or voice mails.

Web CallMe: With a click on your web site the ACHAT Web CallMe initiates an automatic call of an agent at the customer. So the agent can give e.g. on-line assistance or answer questions.

Evaluate: For evaluation of your call center jobs, the ACHAT Evaluate module provides a huge number of different data, which could be freely assigned to statistics. The proprietary ACHAT storing technique yields an unbeatable flexibility to adapt to your specific needs.

CTI: The ACHAT Connect CTI interface is the base for the outstanding connectivity of ACHAT to other applications such as CRM systems or branch-specific applications.

Work and Control:: The clients ACHAT Work and ACHAT Control show to the agents respectively supervisors their operational environment in real time. This increases the process quality significantly, because the work flow status of individual agents or teams is clearly and permanently visible in detail. The supervisor has a variety of additional functions, e.g. setting alarm criteria, defining communication flows, de/activating agents, or produce statistics.

Competitive Analysis

Independence from platforms and media types: Achat interfaces with the communication hardware through open standards (CSTA, SOAP, IMAP4, POP3, SMTP) and can be used in heterogeneous hardware environments as well. Achat can be integrated into switched telecommunications environments as well as into VoIP communication infrastructures. The communications transactions using different media types are treated equally.

High connectivity: A vast variety of adapters connect different leading WFM, IVR, CRM, ERP and other products to Achat.

Highest degree of investment protection: The extraordinary flexibility of the own German development and service team yields fast and individual customization e.g. to integrate Achat into proprietary customer solutions.

High product stability, reliance and security is proved every day by many leaders of vertical markets relying on Authensis products and solutions. Data security for example is guaranteed by the highly proprietary storage format of statistical raw data. The option of redundant components could increase the up time even further.

Unbeatable flexibility in statistics: The storage of each single event in the contact center yields an unbeatable flexibility in generating individual criteria to control and drive the companies´ communication.

Highly scalable: Authensis Achat is freely scalable. It could start with 10 agent seats and could grow up to 500 agent seats assigned to one switch. Achat can be connected to networks of switches, too.

Easy to service: Achat includes built in diagnostics, detailed tracing capabilities and self-repairing features. It provides the customer and / or the sales channel with on site alarms or remote notification of system failures.

Clear modularity: Customers can build a contact center infrastructure by starting with a simple, cost-effective product, and can then add modules according to their needs.

Profound branch-specific technology know how of Authensis: Authensis already has more than 100 large installations in ten European countries and in the U.S. with large variety of projects of different sizes and complexity. The main vertical markets include banking and insurance companies, mail order houses, telemarketers, market research companies and the industry.

Authensis network of competence: Authensis developed many partnerships with companies offering supplemental and specialized products in the contact center field. So, every customer gets his individual solution, which is highly optimized according to his business processes and his requirements.


The ACHAT ACD and call center solution consists of following modules:

  • Voice Route! module distributes all incoming calls
  • Work Route provides CTI functions and call information to call agents
  • Control Route shows informations about call distribution to supervisors
  • Voice4 as 3rd party module provides extended IVR functions

Most tested scenarios except some CTI functions are supported by ACHAT and were successfully passed.

The separate product ACHAT Power Dialler has not been tested.

For a detailed analysis of the product please have a look at the ACHAT - Authensis - Call Center Application Testreport.


1.000€ per seat and module (small systems per seat more expensive, large systems per seat less expensive), all inclusive up to cut-over


Wolfgang Sorgatz
authensis AG
Lindwurmstrasse 80
80337 München
Tel: +49 89 720157-0
Fax: +49 89 720157-79
Mobile: Mobil +49 179 47324401