Howto:Smart Mobile WLAN - Trapeze - 3rd Party Product

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Trapeze Networks Smart Mobile

Smart Mobile Productline [1]

Trapeze Networks provides all the components required to deploy a NonStop Wireless LAN for any size enterprise. The solution includes Mobility System Software, a full line of Mobility Exchange controllers, and Mobility Point access points, as well as the award winning RingMaster wireless management suite.

Smart Mobile overcomes all the limitations of current-generation WLANs through breakthrough technology called “intelligent switching”—a significant evolution and advance over today’s limited WLAN architectures.

Smart Mobile’s intelligent switching combines both centralized and distributed data forwarding based on the requirements of the underlying application, resulting in optimized traffic flow, reduced latency, and ultra high performance—all without the high cost of upgrading network controller infrastructure.

Smart Mobile for the first time enables organizations to cost effectively deploy secure, massively scalable enterprise WLANs that support the most demanding data and voice applications while providing unlimited reach both indoors and outdoors.

Certification Status

This product is being tested right now. The test is not yet completed.


Category:RecProd WLAN Infrastructure Products


Non-Stop Wireless Smart Mobile Overview Smart Mobile Voice Indoors/Outdoors 802.11n Ready Voice over WLAN Enterprise Security Location Based Services Network Management RingMaster Planning SmartPass Guest Access




3rdPartyGoldfischglas 03.png Company Inc.


Competitive Analysis


Howto:MXR-2 Mobility Exchange - Trapeze - Testreport



Trapeze Networks
Franz-Joseph-Strasse 9
80801 Muenchen
Tel: +49 89 5505 3880
Fax: +49 89 5505 3889
Mail: [2]