Reference8:GSM Client Short User Guide

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Applies To

This information applies to

  • innovaphone PBX V8 hotfix6, Build 8050020 or later
  • innovaphone gsm Package, Build 1045 or later

Start GSM Client

To start The Client application navigate to Start>Programs and click on GSMClient icon. Once started, the GSM Client will replace the native phone application and can be opened by pressing Talk/Send button and moved in background by pressing End button.

Mobility Screen02.png

Set Call Mode

To follow a One Number concept the GSM Client enables you to Make Calls from Mobile Phone via the PBX using your own PBX Extension as Calling Party Number. This behaviour is available in the Call Mode PBX Extension. Additionally a variety of other Call Modes is available in the GSM Client.

You can choose one of the following identities:

Call Mode Description Icon
PBX Extension Call via PBX. Called person will see your PBX Extension. Mobility ID-Option2.png
Direct GSM Call Call via GSM network. Called person will see your GSM number. Mobility ID-Option3.png
PBX Extension with CLIR Call via PBX. Called person can not see any number. Mobility ID-Option4.png
Custom PBX Extension Call via PBX. Called person will see the number configured in the GSM Client under Menu>Quick>Menu>Pin4. Mobility ID-Option5.png
Mobile Phone via PBX Call via PBX. Called person will see your GSM number. Mobility ID-Option6.png
Direct GSM Call with CLIR Call via GSM network. Called person can not see any number. Mobility ID-Option0.png
PBX Switchbooard Call via PBX. Called person will see Extension 0. Mobility ID-Option1.png

To switch the Call Mode tap on the Call Mode Icon or navigate to the icon with Arrow Up button and toggle with Enter button.

Make Direct Calls via GSM and bypass PBX

To call once a number directly from the mobile phone without to change the Call Mode add 000 at the beginning of the number. This may be useful in many cases, however, it must be done for all numbers which require to be called directly from the mobile phone (e.g. including all mobile carrier service numbers such as Operator, Billing Info etc.).

There is a white list of emergency numbers which are called straight through the mobile operator anyway (even if not prefixed with 000). These are country specific and currently include:

Country Emergency Number(s)
Germany 110, 112, 19222
Switzerland 112, 117, 114, 118
Austria 112, 113, 144
France 112

The complete list of emergency numbers can be retrieved from the Countries.xml in the Data\ directory on the phone.

Make Calls

To make a call you have to put a number to call in the Call Entry Field and press the Talk/Send Button. There a several ways to put a number in the Call Entry Field.

Dial Number

Enter the phone number using the Dial Pad. The phone number could be a PBX Extension or any external number. Unlike as on fixed phone on the PBX, there no need to dial the trunk line prefix, if an external number is called.

Redial Number

To dial a shortly dialled number again, make sure the Call Entry Field is empty and press the Talk/Send Button twice.

Call Number from Call List

To reach the Call List press Arrow Left button. You can navigate in the Call List by Arrow Up and Arrow Down buttons or by using the Scroll Bar. Select the Number you want to call and press Enter Button or Talk/Send Button to put the Number in the Call Entry Field. Than press Talk/Send Button to make a call.

Call Number from Contacts or PBX Phonebook

It is possible to use Contacts stored on the Mobile Phone and SIM Card or to use Phonebook containing PBX Extensions.

To reach local Contacts press Arrow Down button. For PBX Extensions press Arrow Right button.

To search in the Contacts and PBX Extensions enter a name by using the Dial Pad buttons and press Arrow Right or Arrow Down button, depending on where you want to search in PBX Extensions or in Contacts. The digits will be mapped to letters and matching result entries will be listed. E.g. to search for “Bob” in the PBX Extensions dial 2 6 2 and press Right Arrow button. In the result list select the entry you looked for and press Talk/Send or Enter button. Than press Talk/Send button to make a call.

There is another option to dial numbers from the windows contact list. You can open the standard Windows Mobile contact application, select an entry, open the context menu (lower right) and click the GSMoIP entry. This will bring you back to the GSM client's contact list with the chosen entry selected.

End Calls

To end a call press End Button to hang up.

Consultation Calls

While in an active call press R button on the Dial Pad or use Menu/R to put the active call on hold and get a new PBX dial tone. Than dial a number for consultation call on the Dial Pad. For external numbers trunk line prefix must be dialled, like on the fixed phone.

You can switch between the active and held call by using Menu/Hold Retrieve function.

Transfer Calls

While in a Consultation Call, press Menu/Transfer to connect the calling party on hold with the current connected party.

Switch Calls to Desktop Phone

While in a conversation on mobile phone, press Menu>Switch to transfer the current call to own PBX Extension. After transfer your desktop phone will ring. Answer the call and continue your conversation on the desktop phone.

Call Froward

The GSM Client enables you to set and clear Call Forward setting of your Extension in the PBX from the mobile phone.


The Call Forward Unconditional(CFU) is executed immediately.


The Call Forward on Busy(CFB) is executed if Call Waiting is off and you have an active call on your PBX Extension.

No Reply

The Call Forward on No Reply(CFNR) is executed after No Reply Timeout configured in the PBX.

Call Forward to a Favourite Destination

You can use a General Favourite Destination for all Call Forward types be setting Calldiversion Option under Menu>Quick/CallDiversion.

Alternatively, for each Call Forward type a separate destination number can be used. Under Menu>Quick/Menu>Setup use Pin1 for favourite CFU destination, Pin2 for favourite CFB destination and Pin3 for favourite CFNR destination. The General Favourite Destination must be empty in this case (as they will be concatenated is both are present).

Call Forward to VoiceMail

Before use Call Forward to VoiceMail set the number of the VoiceMail under Menu>Quick/Menu>Setup/Pin 5.

Clear Call Forward

To clear an already Configured Call Forward go to Menu>Call Forward>Clear CFU. The same is available for CFB and CFNR.


If Mobility function is enabled, all calls to your PBX Extensions will Ring also on your mobile phone. To disable ringing on your mobile phone if your PBX Extension is called go to Menu>Mobility and choose option Mobility-,Note-. This option will disable Mobility and remove any Presence status.

If Mobility is disabled, you can still make calls via the PBX using the mobile phone.

To enable Mobility go to Menu>Mobility and choose option Mobility+,Note-.

Call Waiting

This Option enables or disables Call Waiting for Mobility User.


The Presence Status of PBX User can be monitored by other PBX Users on IP-Phones, by the Switchboard Operator or CTI Software. Also Text Notes can be configured as more detailed description of current user status. Also if PBX Users calls each other, the Presence Activity and Text Note is presented to the calling User while alerting.

The GSM Client provides you with ability to choose from 8 preconfigured sets of Presence Activities and Presence Notes. The first 4 sets are also enables Mobility and the next 4 disables Mobility in the same step. This enables you to bind the availability on the mobile phone with Presence activities. For Example the set “Note1” could be a combination of Presence Activity “Away” and Text Note “Call Me, don’t Mail Me” with activated Mobility, in order the mobile phone rings if users extension is called. In contrast to the set “Note1”, the set “Note5” could be a combination of Presence Activity “Meeting”, Text Note “E-Mail only” and disabled Mobility.

To activate one of the Presence States from mobile phone go to the Menu>Presence.

In order to remove the Presence Activity and Text Note choose option Menu>Mobility>Mobility+,Note- or Menu>Mobility>Mobility-,Note-.

Ask your PBX Administrator about preconfigured Presence Activities and Text Notes for Mobility Users.


The GSM Client provides you with ability to join or leave dynamic PBX Groups using your mobile phone.

Join all PBX User Groups

To Join to all dynamic groups go to Menu>Groups>Join All.

Leave all PBX User Groups

To leave all dynamic groups go to Menu>Groups>Leave All.

Join specific PBX User Group

In case you want to distinguish between several groups use options Join Group 1, Join Group 2 and Join Group 3. Make sure to Leave All Groups before use this option.

Check Current Status

The current status of Mobility, Call Forward, Presence State and Groups is displayed in the Status Bar. If you click on the Status bar or navigate with the Arrow Up button to the Status bar and point cursor on one of the Symbols, an overview of all features will appear.

Mobility Screen06.png

Keep in mind that Status in the GSM Client is only updated if changed on the mobile phone and not updated if changed on the PBX from fixed phone or CTI software. E.g. if Call Forward is enabled on the GSM Client and than cleared from fixed phone, the GSM Client status will show an active Call Forward.

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