Howto:Firmware Upgrade V10 V11r1

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Applies To

This information applies to:

  • All PBX devices
  • All DECT devices
  • Linux Application Platform

Migration Policy

As it may not be possible to update a complete installation in one step, we recommend to first update the endpoints (i.e. phones) to V11. Although our standard support policy requires you to run the entire installation based on the same firmware build, we support running V11 phones with the-current (that is, newest) V10 PBXs for migration purposes.

Configuration Changes

SRTP default now

In V11, SRTP is turned on by default. You only need to change the configuration if you do not want SRTP to be used. You can disable SRTP via the DHCP Server. See Reference11r1:IP4/ETH/DHCP-Server or if you use another DHCP Server Reference11r1:DHCP_client .

Default Registration Name changed

In v11, the default name used for an endpoint registration changed from something like IP222-01-02-03 to 009033010203. However, the v11 PBX is able to convert the two forms, so no configuration change should be required. Also, the latest pre-v11 v10 firmware will be able to do so, so phones should be still able to register with the v10 PBX when they are updated to v11 during migration.

Access settings (visibility) slightly changed

Evalutation of access rights has changed slightly. This affects only configurations where conflicting settings exist at template and user level.

Here are the new evaluation rules:

  • Einstellungen im User oder in nachfolgenden Templates gewinnen, gegenüber vorherigen. Dabei werden aber nur gleichartige Regeln überschrieben. Also wenn im Template eine Visibility für '' gesetzt ist, kann die nur durch eine Visibility für '' im User überschrieben werden.
  • Settings für einen User Namen gewinnen über Gruppen, die wiederum über Domains gewinnen.
  • Wenn die Subscription von einem User kommt, der in mehreren Gruppen Mitglied ist, addieren sich die Visibility Settings.
  • Eine Definition für eine Gruppe überschreibt nur genau die Defintion für diese Gruppe in einem vorherigen Template.
Tools clipart.png FIXME: "needs translation"

FXS Gateways change initial port gain calibration

In V11, the FXS gateways ip22, ip24 and ip28 change their initial gain level calibration. The calibration changes vary from the gateway type as follows :

ip22, ip24

  • Receive direction changes by -1.5dB in comparison to V10 and earlier.
  • Transmit direction changes by +4.0dB in comparison to V10 and earlier.


  • Receive direction changes by -4.5dB in comparison to V10 and earlier.
  • Transmit direction changes by +6.0dB in comparison to V10 and earlier.

Hint : See Reference11:Interfaces/FXS/Physical if you are unsure which direction is supposed to be receive or transmit.

Linux Application Platform and its applications

V11 will be compatible with Linux Application Platform V10. There will be no separate V11 release for the Linux Application Platform!

Known Problems

H.323 Signalling Ports changed

In v11r1 final, H.323 uses different H.225 signalling ports (>60000). If you run a firewall with port filters you may need to allow this new range too (in previous versions, port ranges >2048 were used). This has been fixed in v11r1 sr1 (port usage is now similar to v10 again).

Memory Considerations

New firmware always has more features which in turn requires more resources. Growing firmware will thus consume both more flash and RAM for sure. A given system configuration will run flawlessly after a firmware largely only if there is still enough memory left after boot. As a rough rule of thumb, a v11r1 release will consume 1MB RAM and 0.5MB flash more compared to a v10 firmware.

Standard configurations which are according to spec will run on all supported hardware. However, unusual configurations may not. It is a good idea to examine both flash and RAM memory left on high load situations in your existing configuration to see if there is enough resources left for an upgrade. Please find details in Reference:Device Health Check.

Special care has to be taken for old devices with less memory than suggested by current specs. Most notably, these are the older IP30x models (which had 16MB RAM as opposed to 32MB in the current models). We do not recommend to upgrade such old hardware to a current firmware version unless it has been determined that the configuration in question will work.

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