Howto:Voice Recording 2014 as a Service with MP3 Compr.

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Applies To

This information applies to

  • IPVA, V12

Build 12.5062 and hopefully later.

More Information

Problem Details

Voice Recording is a application which is designed to run as user gui and not as Service. In most cases Innovaphone Voice Recording 2014 is installed on a Windows Server und should run as a service. Running the application as a service simplify the maintenance by restarting, logon, logoff the user or server. In other words it is the standard for such an application.

This article describes step by step how to install and configure a part of the PBX and especially for Windows Server Systems to run the whole recorder or http player as a service with additional audio compression to mp3.


PBX preparation

We start by the pbx. First of all we generate a new dummy user, who has at least "Groups/Call Forwards Only" rights. In our case the user called "_RECORDING_". We also add a new group with "active" flag, in our case called "record".

PBX dummy user.png

User who should be recorded by server should also be within the group, without "without" active flag.

PBX user exmaple.png

Because the Voice Recording 2014 is adjusting the recorded pcap with the cdr ticket, a working reporting must be running and for each user a reporting license is needed.

PBX user reporting.png

There are multiple scenarios (record by phone or gateway etc.), for those there allready other wiki existing articles.

Folder and Recording preparation

In our case we use a state of the art Windows Server 2012r2 OS. Out of the box Windows Server 2012r2 do not support audio media features. For this it is necessary to add the feature "Media Foundatio" to the server. For this open the "Add Roles and Feature Wizard", progress to the "Feature", scrolldown an select "Media Foundation" and complete the feature installation.

Add Role Media Foundation.png

Download and install the latest version of "Innovaphone Voice Recording 2014", extract it and install it in the standard program path. After that you should have a file named "innovaphone_Recorder.exe" and "pcap2wave.exe" in the installation directory.

Create a new directory (for example "RecordingInnovaphone\Recorder") on the local drive. Important: The name should not have any " " (blanks), otherwise later the service registration will fail. So in our case the new path is called "C:\RecordingInnovaphone\Recorder". Create now a subdirectory called "data". Copy now the both installation files "innovaphone_Recorder.exe" and "pcap2wave.exe" (If yout want to use Audio compression to mp3 those files also placed here) from the program path to the new created recorder path. The data folder should be empty.

New directory and folders.png

Write now a new batch-file named "open_setup_recorder.bat". And fill it with the follow line: "innovaphone_Recorder.exe recpath=C:\RecordingInnovaphone\Recorder\data\". As described above the "recpath" should not have any blanks inside the path, belive me it will not work later. This batch-file will be also later important if you have to change settings ot other things. Setup for the recorder will always be started with this file. The "normal" "innovaphoneRecorder.exe" should not be touched.

Batch file recorder.png

Double klick the created batch.file "open_setup_recorder.bat". First time it can take a while, anyway you should see after a short time Setup Window.

Important is, that the checkbox "Save setup in own directory" must no be checked ! Other settings can be changed like you want.

Recorder setup 1.png

PBX and Credentials which we define in "PBX preparation" should be enterred here.

Recorder setup 2.png

As described above a reporting must be used.

Recorder setup 3.png

Enter here the path to the pcap files. This should be the path where, for example the phone or gateway, is recording to.

Recorder setup 4.png

Enter here the path where the recorded an finish compressed files should be stored.

Recorder setup 5.png

The other tabs are environment specific and also in other atricles more detailed explained.

After you finish all settings in your recorder, push the button "Save+Stop!" and start the batch-file again. Controll if all LED on the gui are green.

Service instance

Download the NSSM (Non sucking service manager ), i know strange name.. Extract it and save it in a destination of your choice.


Known Problems