Concept Status innovaphone Services

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Revision as of 12:12, 29 September 2021 by Slu (talk | contribs)
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The innovaphone statuspage informs you about the current status of all our available services.

Tools clipart.png FIXME: This product is in the beta phase and is not yet finished

More Information

The status page lists all innovaphone services and checks their availability periodically. The page shows the last detected status of the respective service. The data is updated at 15 minute intervals.


Use as Website
You can access the status directly in the browser at
The addition "/?dark" set the status page to the dark myapps theme.
Use as myApps App
You can create a new APP object with the option "Plain website" and the destination
The addition "/?dark" set the status page to the dark myapps theme.
The icon can be download here (icon will be available soon)
Use of a JSON response
Via HTTP/GET the URL can be retrieved and processed itself.
  "category (row in the website)":{
     "service (item in a row)":{

Current Categories: services, myapps_cloud, websites

     "Provisioning Server":{
     "License Portal":{
     "Training: Devices":{

Rate limit

If you use the service aggressively or request this data unnecessarily often, your IP address will be automatically blocked for a certain time.

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