Reference9:Concept Linux Application Platform

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The innovaphone Linux Application Platform provides possibilities to install innovaphone or custom applications for certain purposes, like Reporting or a Fax Server.

The Linux distribution Debian 6 (Squeeze) is used and linux kernel is


There are two ways to use the innovaphone Linux Application Platform:

On an IPxx10 Gateway

  • An IP0010, IP3010 or IP6010 Gateway
  • Firmware Version 9
  • A compact flash card with UDMA support (minimum 2 GB)
    • We recommend SanDisk Extreme with UDMA and 60 MB/s or above

As a Virtual Machine

  • VMWare Player/VMWare Workstation


Download the latest Linux Application Platform from .
You can download and install two different packages:

Default Credentials

  • Web/Webdav: admin/linux
  • Root-Login (e.g. with Putty): root/iplinux

Linux Application Platform (IPxx10 Gateways)

It is recommended to use CF-Cards with sizes of 4GB or more and the cards must support UDMA!

  • Enable Linux with !config flags L... and !config write.
  • Decompress the downloaded package. You should have an image file like linux_ipxx10_armel.img now.
  • Upload the decompressed file over the gateways web interface [ here ]. Select "Part 1" before starting the upload!
  • Upload the decompressed file over the gateways web interface under Reference9:General/Compact-Flash/Image . Select "Part 1" before starting the upload!
  • Reset the box (which also activates the config change of step 1).
  • Configure IP under Reference9:Linux/IP : select either "Disabled" to assign a static IP or ETH0/ETH1 to receive an IP-Address from DHCP-Server behind ETH0 or ETH1.
  • Configure the kernel file, which you find under Reference9:General/Compact-Flash/General#Browse_CF_Content on Reference9:Linux/General Linux kernel file (Currently "Image-6010-")
  • Configure "root=/dev/sda2" (without quotes) under Reference9:Linux/General Kernel command line.
  • If you want, configure the autostart flag.
  • Submit your changes.
  • Click the Reference9:Linux/General Start-Link. The page refreshes until Linux gets an IP and then tries to get a link to the Linux Web Server, which can take some time for the first time installation (> 20 minutes).
  • Open the Linux Web Server to see the installation progress (which might take several minutes too). The default credentials are admin/linux.
  • Enter the innovaphone device admin credentials when the installation has finished. Now wait until the page refrehses. The web server credentials are now the innovaphone device admin credentials.
  • Linux install has finished.

Linux Application Platform (VMWare)

  • Decompress the downloaded archive. You should have two files: IP-Debian.vmx and IP-Debian.vmdk.
  • Now you have two possibilities (example for VMWare Player, VMWare Workstation should be similar):
    • If you want to assign more than 4 GB virtual flash:
      • Do not directly start/doubleclick the vmx file!
      • Start the VMware Player and Open the vmx file with Open a Virtual Machine.
      • Open Edit virtual machine settings.
      • Select the hard disk and Expand it under Utilities to the wished size.
      • Apply the change and klick Play virtual machine.
    • If 4 GB are enough, simply double click the vmx file and Linux will start.
  • The first time, a script will automatically configure a new partition, the web server etc., which will take some time.
  • In the meantime, fetch your IP from the VMWare Player screen or login as root and get your IP address with the command ifconfig.
  • Login to the web server to see the installation progress (it may take some minutes until the web server is up).
  • Linux will restart automatically after the first time installation has finished.
  • Linux install has finished.



Change the root credentials

Here you can change the credentials of the Linux root user.
Default password: iplinux

Configure Authenticated URLs

Configure credentials for authenticated URLs. These credentials will be used in automatic backups.
You can add/remove Urls with the + and - at the right side of the list.

Configure NTP server

Configures a NTP server.

  • NTP Server: the IP of the NTP Server

Change postgresql database password

If innovaphone Reporting is installed, you can configure another postgres password for the postgres user.
Default password: postgres.

Web Server

Change web server properties and public access to the web/webdav

  • Force HTTPS: enables redirection for HTTP to HTTPS
  • Public Web Paths: these paths are not password protected, e.g. '/ap'
  • Public Webdav Paths: these webdav paths are not password protected, e.g. '/backup'
    • Check the "Write" checkbox to enable write access

Enter a single '/' for a public root directory. All sub directories and files will be also public then.
If you enter e.g. '/update/', the directory 'update' and all sub directories/files will be public.
If you enter e.g. '/update', only the directory 'update' and its files will be public.

Change the Linux web server credentials

Here you can change the credentials for Web Server access.

If running VMWare, default password is linux. If running IPXX10, password is the one entered at the end of first installation (admin password of the device where linux is running)

Change the Linux webdav access credentials

Here you can change the credentials for webdav access.

If running VMWare, default password is linux. If running IPXX10, password is the one entered at the end of first installation (admin password of the device where linux is running)


The current server certificate installed on the web server is shown here. A self signed certificate, innovaphone-linux, is installed by default. It is recommended to change it with your own certificate.

It is also possible to trust or reject other certificates.


The web server can be configured to poll a Command File URL (on a web server).

An alarm server can be also configured to receive alarms during an automatic backup. An Alarm is a notification of a problem, that should receive the administrators attention.

0x00180001 Failed to parse XML
0x00180002 Connection to database failed
0x00180003 Setting client encoding failed
0x00180004 attribute not present in CDR
0x00180005 CDR event attribute 'msg'/'time' is missing
0x0018000a DB BEGIN failed
0x0018000b DB INSERT cdr failed
0x0018000c DB INSERT cdr event failed
0x0018000d DB INSERT cdr groups failed
0x0018000e DB INSERT cdr properties failed
0x0018000f DB COMMIT failed
0x00180013 Certificate error
0x00180014 Certificate Rejected
0x00180015 Retrieving backup script failed
0x00180016 Backup command failed

You can manually backup/restore your configuration/data/logs files too.
The restore process might take some time.

Command File

The Command File uses a similar syntax as already known in Reference9:Services/Update.
The available default commands are:


Saves all neccessary configuration files (no application specific files).


Saves all available (also application related) log files.


Executes the following command(s) only, if the specified time matches.

times /day:1,2 /hour:23,24
Commands only executed on Monday and Thursday at 11pm and 0am.






