Reference:Release Notes TAPI

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This roadmap describes the V7 (that is, pbx700.wsdl based) TAPI driver implementation.

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V7 Hotfix 2

These are the fixes included in TAPI V7 hotfix 2 as included in the V7 "apps" package, hotfix 7. Definition

trap when retrieving call forward status from PBX failed (malformed SOAP Admin() result)

Status Closed
Id 55076

In rare cases, the user data retrieved from the PBX may be corrupt. If this happens, the TSP traps when it analyzes the data for forwarding information. Status: innopbx.cpp

V7 Hotfix 3

These are the fixes included in TAPI V7 hotfix 3 as included in the V7 "apps" package, hotfix 7. Definition

trap in TSP and config dialogue on x64 platforms

Status Closed
Id 55344

On x64 platforms, there was a wrong buffer size calculation. Status: securesocket.cpp

V7 Hotfix 4

These are the fixes included in TAPI V7 hotfix 4 as included in the V7 "apps" package, hotfix 8. Definition

tsp randomly looses PBX Connection on newer Windows Platforms

Status Closed
Id 57936

There is a problem with the MSXML parser loosing initialization in some threads using it. This seems to happen only if a thread was not used for several hours. MSXML initialization is now re-done regularly.

This problem seems to apply to later windows platforms (Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008 and uo) only. Status: pbx-wsdl.cpp, atlsoap.h

V7 Hotfix 5

These are the fixes included in TAPI V7 hotfix 5 as included in the V7 "apps" package, hotfix 9. Definition

[!18.10.11@13] Lines sometimes are considered out-of-service although they are not

Status Closed
Id 58609

If this happens, the line is out-of-service although it is not (as an endpoint is registered). The situation is resolved only if the line has an active call. Also, if applications get confused by connect/disconnect or in-service/out-of-service messages, this can be turned off using the IgnoreDevStatus" registry tweak. Status: device.cpp

[!18.10.11@13] TSP requires a line to be "in-service" to allow setting call forwards

Status Closed
Id 58610

Practically this results in TAPI not being able to manipulate call forward settings on a line where no-one is registered. Now the line needs to be in connected state only (that is, there is a PBX known which knows about the line). Status: forward.cpp etc.

[!18.10.11@13] LineTimeOut Configuration option

Status Closed
Id 58608

Allows the TSP to wait longer time for the line determination to complete. Incomplete line determination may result in strange application behaviour showing undefined lines (although it should not). Status: device.cpp

V7 Hotfix 6

These are the fixes included in TAPI V7 hotfix 6. Definition

Trap when invalid destination address is dialled

Status Closed
Id 68454

For example, a call to "^1" will cause a TSP trap.

Write Dump File when TSP crashes

Status Closed
Id 68452

Enables better problem analysis