Howto:Firmware Upgrade and initial Configuration of IP72 via USB

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This article describes procedure of Firmware upgrade and initial configuration of IP72 via USB interface.

Applies To

This information applies to

  • IP72

Ascom Firmware or innovaphone Firmware Build 07-60631 and later.

More Information

Problem Details

In some cases you will need to update IP72 firmware before WLAN connection to the device is available. For that purposes you can use USB Charger for IP72 to upload new firmware or change phone configuration.

System Requirements


At first install USB Driver. Plug USB-Charger to any free USB-Port on your PC and wait till Windows Device Manager ask you for Driver location. This step is unnecessary if you plan to configure the phone via phone-keyboard (Phone-based config). Note that WEP key input may get time consuming with numeric keyboard.

Firmware Update

If you have an Ascom i75 phone branded as innovaphone IP72 with Ascom firmware installed on it, see Upgrade from i75 to IP72 .

Turn on IP72 turn connect it with USB Charger. Open new DOS Box and change to directory containing ip72.bin and usbload.exe and run:

usbload.exe upload ip72.bin

Do not interrupt connection to IP72 or close upload.exe!!! This can break the device!

Howto Firmware Upgrade and initial Configuration of IP72 via USB 03.PNG

Initial WLAN and H.323/SIP Configuration

To configure initial IP72 settings, You can either enter the information on the phone directly or use the "usbload.exe" command line application.

  • Phone-based config

WLAN settings are reached through Menu-Administration-WLAN. H.323/SIP settings are reached through Menu-Administration-Registration. Use the Menu Softkey to save the changes made.

  • PC-based config

Here the usbload help page:

usbload config /login user,pass (default:ip72,admin)
               /ssid <ssid>
               /wep-key <hex-wep-key>
               /wep-index [1-4]
               /cipher <none|wep|wep128|tkip|aes-wrap|aesccmp|ckip>
               /security-mode <open|wpa-psk|wpa2-psk|leap|peap-mschapv2|eap-md5>
               /passphrase <passphrase>
               /user <user>
               /password <password>
               /prot h323|sip
               /gk-addr <gk-IP-addr>
               /e164 <registration number>
               /h323 <registration name>

Here an example:

usbload.exe config /ssid myssid /wep-key 9512c9cc94b0fbab30e242dc7f /cipher wep128 /wep-index 1 /prot h323 /gk-addr /e164 501

WLAN Options: ssid:msssid wep-key:512c9cc94b0fbab30e242dc7f wep-key-index:1 cipher:WEP128 VoIP Options: protocol:H.323 gatekeeper: reg-numer:501

Saving the configuration may sometimes require an automatic IP72 reset.

Please not that you have to run the IP72 in normal mode (not in charger mode) in order to use usbload.

Advanced USB command line

For advanced users, usbload can be used as a telnet-like console interface. Open new DOS Box and chage to directory containing usbload.exe and start usbload with

usbload.exe interactive

If USB Driver correctly installed and IP72 is connected to USB Port you will see login prompt after pressing <Enter>.

IP72 default login : admin,ip72

To configure WLAN with SSID IP72Trial and 128bit HEX WEP-Key e78b52074e0144d3d2fd61efaa use following command:

config change WLANMGR0 /ssid IP72Trial /wep-key e78b52074e0144d3d2fd61efaa /cipher wep128 /wep-index 1 

See next section for complete reference.

To change Registration options:

config change PHONE SIG /prot H323 /gk-addr /h323 testuser /tones 0

Save and activate the changes with:

config write
config activate

Read out traces:


WLAN configuration reference

 config change WLANMGR0
   /ssid <ssid>
   /wep-key <hex-wep-key>
   /wep-index [1-4]
   /cipher <none|wep|wep128|tkip|aes-wrap|aesccmp|ckip>
   /security-mode <open|wpa-psk|wpa2-psk|leap|peap-mschapv2|eap-md5>
   /passphrase <passphrase>
   /user <user>
   /password <password>
   /channel-mask <hex-bitmask>
   /regdomain <world|usa|canada|etsi|spain|france>
   /power-save <active|poll|uapsd> 
   /power-mode <active|short-doze|long-doze>

Troubleshooting and Tracing WLAN

Here some steps how to access WLAN trace on IP72.

1. Place IP72 into USB charger 2. Log into command interface (default login : admin,ip72)

usbload.exe interactive

3. activate WLAN trace with

config change ASCDEBUG0 /enable supp /enable wlan
config activate

4. fetch trace with


Known Problems

Sometimes PDM Software or usbload can not find any IP72 Devices allthough this correctly connected. Rebooting PC will help in most cases.