Howto13r3:Voice Note Voicemail XML Script

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Some customers like to save voice memo and listen them using myApps/Voicemail app

With this new .XML, you can call an internal number, and save a Voice Memo directly in myApps. You will be able, later, to listen to it and save it using the Voicemail app. Here is how.

Applies To

This information applies to

  • All V13r1 PBX (and later) with App Platform.

System Requirements

The feature is based on an XML script typically provided by the Voicemail app. This can work also on older firmware (v12 with LinuxAP) with the previous Voicemail concept.

In this article, however, we want to focus on v13 and later.


Install and configure a second Voicemail app in your system: " "

Open the PBX manager, your newly create Voicemail instance, open your new Voicemail app, and flag "custom"

Now connect to your Voicemail app files folder as described here " " and upload the VNote.xml file in the custom folder.

Open the advanced configuration of your PBX (via the Devices app or directly via browser), and in PBX/Config/Objects, open your newly created Voicemail object.

Change, in the second tab, the URL, that now will point to VNote.xml instead of vm.xml, eg:

from: https://APdnsname/domain.tld/voicemail_it/custom/vm.xml?$app=on&$_pbxmwidir=vm_files

to: https://APdnsname/domain.tld/voicemail_it/custom/VNote.xml?$app=on&$_pbxmwidir=vm_files

be aware that URL is case sensitive, so please pay attention to that.

Also, voicemail_it is used in this example, but you need to configure the correct language of your newly installed app ( voicemail_de , voicemail_fr , voicemail_en , ecc ecc)

Assign the new Voicemail object to the users you want to be able to use this feature. Doing so, they can see the badge count in myApps, listen and save the Voice Memo directly from the app.

Feature description for user

Call the number of the Voice Memo object.

When you hear the "beep", you can start recording your message. This message will be stored in your personal folder, and you can listen to it or download it using the Voicemail app (VNote in this example)


Known Problems


  • download the complete file package of scripts and files described in this article.