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If a user activate a CFU to the WQ this will be shown in the Queue and Display of the iQM Agent. The Recall List will not show the CFU. The name resolution is done just on the calling number, not on the CFU. CFU on the 2. WQ are not shown.<br/>Example: "37ª34 Test" = the caller 37 Test calls the User 34 (diverted to the WQ).<br/>BUG<br/>If an Agent picks a call from the WQ the wrap up will work partially and not login again the Agent after the timeout (must be done manually).<br/>If a ping to the active PBX fails and the second ping works the iQM cannot recover correctly.<br/>
If a user activate a CFU to the WQ this will be shown in the Queue and Display of the iQM Agent. The Recall List will not show the CFU. The name resolution is done just on the calling number, not on the CFU. CFU on the 2. WQ are not shown.<br/>Example: "37ª34 Test" = the caller 37 Test calls the User 34 (diverted to the WQ).<br/>BUG<br/>If an Agent picks a call from the WQ the wrap up will work partially and not login again the Agent after the timeout (must be done manually).<br/>If a ping to the active PBX fails and the second ping works the iQM cannot recover correctly.<br/>
= 2012 Hotfix 3 =
Changes included in Version 2012 Hotfix 3<!---->
[ Definition]

Revision as of 01:34, 23 December 2015

This roadmap describes the 2012 iQM.

This article is generated automatically. Do not edit! Please see the disclaimer before using the information presented here!

2012 Hotfix 1

Changes included in Version 2012 Hotfix 1 Definition


Status Closed
Id 117794

If Excel logging data are transmitted via email the relative attached excel file is "release" just after a certain period. The reason is that Microsoft holds a file busy if not explicit declared as free in the software until a garbage collect routing will force releasing. The result is that an error occurs because iQM receives the error message that the file is used by another user. Fixed in Build 80014 forcing release after sending.

Agent View on iQM Server

Status Closed
Id 119792

Agent view window in iQM server was oldstile and not well sincronized.
Fixed with build 80019
See also ###119069

Error in Excel processing

Status Closed
Id 123766

For older Excel versions a dll was missing, that caused different types of Excel errors.

Solved with build 80025

See ###123441

Phone not ok

Status Closed
Id 123767

?Phone not ok? is detected even if the agent phone is registered.
Solved with build 80025

See ###123594###

Wrap up time

Status Closed
Id 123769

Up to this version this is done at the end of the call, but if in this moment there are other calls and/or heavy traffic or a slowdowns in the PBX and/or the iQM it could happen that the call is ?faster? than the logout of the group and the phone rings.
From build 80025 on the logout is done when the agent answers the call.

See ###121235### and ###122985###

Total waiting time wrong for abandoned calls

Status Closed
Id 124456

If calls in the Queue gives up the total waiting time is not added correctly. This happens just for call giving up in the queue, not if the call is the first (actual) one. Even the Excel statistics shows wrong data, but in this case the waiting time of abandoned calls is not count at all.

Solved in Build 80027
See also ticket ###122592###

Excel and Node

Status Closed
Id 124522

Excel functions still not work in some installations, basically because a excel dl list not installed automatically. If the dll is present because e newer excel in installed the system recovers and anything works, in older excel installations not. See also ###123441###.
If Agents are working in nodes the wrap-up will not word. This is because the relative routines are e164 instead of CN bases. See also ###124419###.
Both issues solved with Build 80030.

Position Dashboard and lounch parameter

Status Closed
Id 124905

If the Dashboard is minimized and the Agent Software terminated after a new startup the position is invalid and the window not visible.
The parameter Ad-String in the setup for the Agent is not saved correct, therefore after a restart the option is again disabled.
Fixed in Build 80031, See also #124825

Queue Name - Phone not ready - Excel

Status Closed
Id 125760

If the Queue name is shorter than 3 digits it is not recognizes as valid. Now even one digit names are accepted. ###125280###
IP Phone where detected as not ready even if they are fine.
Average waiting time in the first resuming tab is wrong in the detail lines. Can be adjusted modifying the Excel formula, for newer month this is done automatically.
Excel: wrong header labeling (row F and I inverted)

Fixed in Build 80035

Automatic Report

Status Closed
Id 125828

Bug: Sending reports automatically works just for 6 times.
Solved with build 80036

Restore Counter

Status Closed
Id 133161

After a start counters are loaded from a file. This file is written when the iQM is stopped. The loading was done without check the actual date and time. Therefore real time counters could start with wrong values. Now form Build 80046 on the counters are restored in function of the actual time and date.
See also ticket ###131743###

Agent client shows cleared calls

Status Closed
Id 133641

Build 80047 - 01.2015
Ticket #130735, 133256, 103355

Recall LIst

Status Closed
Id 133710

Build 80048
Agent Recall List is now ordered by date and time

Pick up in WQ

Status Closed
Id 146147

If a call is picked up the further calls are not cleared anymore.

See also ###144282###

More Agent client with the same name

Status Closed
Id 147524

An agent client will be recognized by the server by his name, unique normally in a System. Even normally just one client works on or for one phone. If more clients use the same name (or because Dashboards no name) the communication will work randomly.
This problem was solved using not just the name but also the IP-address of the agent PC. If for an error on more workplaces the same agent is logged now the server distinguish between und send information to the correct PC.
Remain the problem same PC and same Name and multiple starts. Form this build on the Agent software will look in the Task manager if there is jet a iQMagent process and warn the user.

From Build 80082 on even more clients can use the same name if on different IP-address (PC). On top if a customer try to start the agent twice on the same PC a warning message is shown and invite him not to start the second client. Ignore this warning if different users are assigned.


Wrong called numbers in Agent view

Status Closed
Id 147840

In the Agent view (list of agent) the number of the last called user could be displayed wrong.
Resolved in Build 80082

Double Groups

Status Closed
Id 147893

If an Agent has assigned the same group in the PBX more times (error condition should never happen) the iQM delete all groups and leaves just one. An error message is reported in the log.
The delete is done only if the group is dynamic, static groups are not touched.
Build 80083

Recall List

Status Closed
Id 148141

If in the iQM Server and/or the iQm Agent client the time format is not set in the hh:mm:ss format the recall list will not be displayed.
Resolved in Build 80084

Build 80085

Status Closed
Id 148245

-\tEven if the feature callback is off the server tries access to the CF causing continuously error events. This could cause delay execution and memory consumption.
-\tIf a name of a group is part of the name of a larger group mismatch occurs. Example: ?MyGroup? and ?MyGroup1? wonït word. Fixed.
-\tWrong display of connected partner. In larger setup the calling party number could be displayed wrong. The PBX send all parties involved in a call with the same call-id, so if a group is called all numbers are transmitted. Fixed.

Hide individual wrap-up

Status Closed
Id 149895

Minor bugs like wrong tooltip text fixed.
If no individual wrap up time is available the relative button will be hided (also in Dashboard remote control)
?Stop iQM Server? was not activated after a restart of the client

Build 80093 - New Release

Status Closed
Id 150713

Ldap Name resolution sometimes failed even if calls are sufficient long in the WQ. Quick answers from the Agent will cause no number display on the iQM Agent main view. ###148615###
Keyboard Activity detection will fail on newer Windows Versions, just Mouse events will trigger. MS changes the key value form integer to short format. ###150062###
The Speed-dial keys won?t work if no secondary screen is available.
The iQM-Server Version is available just as an unofficial Build. ###146435###


Status Closed
Id 150838

The LCR XML works not correct if the CF is used as webdav server. The reason is that the XML can create an empty file while on the webdav server a file must have content. The XML file TCRec.xml was modified in build 1003

iQM Server: https LDAP fails

Status Closed
Id 153610

LDAP Name resolution fails on https connections.
Note: a warning message appears and disappears automatically (could also be confirmed manually) on start-up.
Build 80097. See also ###148615###

iQM Server: https LDAP fails

Status Closed
Id 153611

LDAP Name resolution fails on https connections.
Note: a warning message appears and disappears automatically (could also be confirmed manually) on start-up.
Build 80097. See also ###148615###

iQM Server: IVR data fails on webdav

Status Closed
Id 153615

The IVR data feature works only using the native CF, not on the webdav drive of the application processor.
On top the IVR symbol in the iQM Client could be shown not correctly after changing the setup wrong after restart.
Build 80097.

iQM Client: Priority on 2nd Waiting Queue not stored correctly.

Status Closed
Id 153620

The setup Priority to the second WQ is not saved and loaded again correctly.
Build 80097

iQM Client: Automatic docking after start up

Status Closed
Id 153623

If in the setup automatic docking is selected this will be done immediately after start-up and the user will have the exact layout when terminated.
Build 80097. See also ###151540###

Agent View shows agents in group and Afgent list hide unreg Agents

Status Closed
Id 122718

The Agent view shows also the number of agent in the group, not just the ready agent.
In the agent setup can be switched on or off the display of unregistred agent in the agent list.
Build 80023

iQM automatic excel report just for queue

Status Closed
Id 123763

From Build 8.0025 on in the setup can be selected if the automatic excel report using exchange contains the waiting queue data and the agent data or just one of the two statistics.

see also ###119792###

Agents can be booked in/out group

Status Closed
Id 124994

If enabled in the agent setup an agent can also log in/out in the group any other agent. So a supervisor can enlarge or stretch the group in any moment. To do these just do a double click on the status cell of the agent.
This feature is also available in the iQM server Agent view (without doing any setup). Note that there is a delay between the double click and the effective switching (some seconds).
If this feature is just requested for the agent just the agent version has to be updated, if also in the server Agent view the switching is requestet also the server version must be updated.
Available from build 80033 on.

Mobile Agents

Status Closed
Id 126772

There is a new option in the setup, ?Allow Agent Forking? : If checked an Agent can even be a not registered Phone, if a Forking e164 destination is configured in this user object the iQM consider that Agent like a registered one. So if he is in the group he will become calls, and the counter ?ready? will also count hose dummy forking extension. On start up anyway the error ?no registered Phone? appears (the triangle in the agent count), to avoid that switch on ?No Unreg Warning?. In the Agent list instead ?UREG!? a ?UNREG/FORK? is displayed if idle. Wrap up etc. will work like on a ?normal? Agent user.

Fixed in Build 80039, See also ###124378###

Hourly Queue Status

Status Closed
Id 127589

See [^]
for details.
Requires build 80041 or higher

See also ###127258###

Enhanced Agent Recall list

Status Closed
Id 132073

The list of the calls given up in the WQ is now updated in a different way. Same numbers (the same external user calls more than one time and gives up) are stored just in one line, the date/time of the latest call is displayed. If all 20 positions are full the iQM will overwrite first the jet recalled positions.
Each line can be cleared (deleted) even manually.
In the Agent view a threshold for free positions can be inserted (from 1 to 20). If the number of free positions goes under this threshold a warning triangle is displayed near the counter of missed calls in the list and the border of the counter becomes red.
See also ###103735###

Agent Group in/out just for calls from the WQ

Status Closed
Id 142820

Build 80059
Agent will be checked out from the group only if the call was originated from the Waiting Queue (previous version also if an agent was called directly).

Full path to CF - Build 80070

Status Closed
Id 145031

From Build 80070 on it is also possible indicate the entire path in an additional field.


New Feature Colored Agent/Comand line/Remote control

Status Closed
Id 146148

Build 80074

iQM as a Service

Status Closed
Id 146652

Requires Build 80075 or higher

Login Counter

Status Closed
Id 146664

Build 80077
When an agent answers a call and an individual or general wrap up is switched on, the agent is immediately logged out from the group. This is done because checking out the Agent at the end of a call can cause wrong status if heavy traffic is on the PBX. A possible even small delay in checking out just at the end of the call can force a call to the agent and no wrap up is observed.
This changes in the previous builds changes also the meaning of the counter ?Logged Agents?, because if an agent answers a call he is immediately booked as not logged.
Some customers want know in any moment haw many agents are logged excepted the agents in ?real? wrap up time. This build will do that and not count down the logged agent number after answering a call (even if they are technically no more in the group?), just if the agent is in the real wrap up.
On top the main iQM window shows a counter that summarized logged and agent in wrap up, therefore at a glance the number of ?active? agents in the group is displayed.
Even in the Agent view the behaviour of the logged counter is modified as described. In the Dashboard view an additional counter and graphical bar is displayed showing the logged user (like the new counter in the main display).

Build 80071 New Feature

Status Closed
Id 147389


-Automatic log in/out if iQM Server is stopped
-Login/out if registrations change
-Following myPBX
-Allow login/out on other Agents
-Swap DD/MM
-Disable Check in/out buttons
-Hide abandoned/recall list
-Hide unregistered Agents
-Colour Agent table
-Minimized just Main View
-Threshold Warning missed Calls
-Work as iQM Admin
-Stop iQM Server
-Sound file
-Login as Start-up
-Logout at Stop
-Logout if not registered
-Login if registered again
-Launch installed myPBX

Call Back Requests without drive mapping

Status Closed
Id 147447

Up build 80081 there is no more drive mapping, the access to the CF is done via http.

iQM Agent speed dial key

Status Closed
Id 148541

See relative Wiki article

iQM on Large PBX

Status Closed
Id 148593


CFU and Wrapup form WQ

Status Closed
Id 150788

If an Agent set a CFU and in the setup of the WQ in the PBX the flag ?CFU disables Operator? is checked the iQM consider the agent not in Group (even he is a member). The feature cannot be switched during operation because the iQM read out the WQ parameter just during start up. If the flag is not set in the PBX the iQM works without taking care of the CFU. ###149363###
If in the PBX the flag ?Set Operator Presence? is checked the iQM will no longer activate the internal wrap up but following the Queue wrap up. The individual wrap up and switching on/off the wrap up is disabled. The warp up time is synchronized with the PBX, so if the time is modified in the PBX the iQM will follow. The Dash-Bord will also following that operational mode. Please note that for a complete correct operation also the flag ?Presence disabled Operator? has to be switched on.
If the flag is not checked in the PBX the iQM works using internal warp out as before. ###146471###
Build 80094

iQM Server: LDAP myPBX display

Status Closed
Id 153613

LDAP name resolution is done by the iQM using the myPBX client. With a button on the iQM server (near the Excel invite buttons) the actual status of the myPBX can be displayed for easier trouble check.
Build 80097. See also ###148615###

iQM Client: Help URL can be configured

Status Closed
Id 153614

Like in other innovaphone products (like for example the softwarephone) also in the iQM client a path to a help file can be defined in the setup of the iQM client. If no path is defined the default innovaphone online help is shown (like up to now).
Build 80097. See also ###148615###

iQM Client: Columns width autostore

Status Closed
Id 153617

Even in further versions the width of the columns in the Agent-view and recall-list can be modified. This is usefully if for example a number is long and will not fit in the default size or a column is not important and should be minimized.
Form build 80097 on the size of the single columns will be stored and reloaded if the application is stopped and started again.
Build 80097. See also ###151540###

iQM Client: Display Activity Control counter

Status Closed
Id 153618

If enabled in the iQM Client setup a counter near the activity control icon shows after how many seconds the client will log out the user. Of no action is done it is a count-down counter, on action (mouse, keyboard or call) the counter will reset to the interval value. This could be also usefully to understand and debug the activity control.
Build 80097

iQM Client: New user interface ? Part 1

Status Closed
Id 153619

iQM client with new Icons and layout. This process is still in progress and not terminated.
The Build number and version can be displayed with a double click on the headline.
Wiki documentations is still old, has to be revised.
Build 80097

iQM Server: Count all calls or just the calls from the Waiting Queue to an agent

Status Closed
Id 153621

In the statistic of the agent as default all incoming calls are counted and displayed in the Statistic. In the setup of the iQM server can flagged a new option ?Log only calls dorm WQ?. If on just calls from the Waiting Queue will raise the agent counter. This option is for the entire system.
Build 80097. See also ###150740###

iQM Client: Presence localized

Status Closed
Id 153622

Presence information will be displayed in the selected language (D/E/I/F) while eventual additional information will be display near the status.
Build 80097. See also ###151540###

iQM Client: Symbol to active Dashboard

Status Closed
Id 153625

Even up to now if Dashboard operation on a iQM client is selected the Dashboard will pop up automatically and the client window is hided. If the Dashboard is closed the client Window appears to terminate the operation but even to allow the access to the setup. As option the agent window could also be opened always. If in this situation the Dashboard is closed the application has to be started again to show the Dashboard. Now on the client window there is a key to show the Dashboard.
Build 80097. See also ###148609###

iQM client: Support Display Zoom 125% and 150%

Status Closed
Id 153626

Some customer sets the display to zoom in the PC setup. If absolute values in Pixel are indicated some windows, symbols or keys are not show correctly. A complete dynamic adaption to the Zoom has to be created. Please note that the Display Zoom has nothing to do with the resolution of a screen (the resolution is returned always the one of the screen independently of the windows zoom feature).
Build 80097. See also ###151759###

iQM Client: Display Call Source

Status Closed
Id 153929

If a call from the 2nd WQ rings on the phone of an Agent, the clients shows the label ?2.WQ? in yellow colour while this label will have a white colour if a call enter from the first WQ. The agent can therefore distinguish the call source (first or second WQ).
Calls (number and Name) are displayed on the Agent form when the agent phone is ringing while the total call duration of this call will be displayed just when the agents answers the call. Number and name of the call is cleared in the agent list (on client and server) when the call is released.
If a call pass call forward (for example because of a not response time out) the last number of the call forwarding path will be displayed before the calling number and separated with an ?-?, while on a Phone display this information is displayed on more lines. No name resolution is done for this last caller.
Example: The Number ?0451234 Smith? calls the WQ and for there an Agent, the Agent display shows ?0451234 Smith ?. The call is forwarded to the extension ?36?, this user will not respond and the calls after the CFNR timeoutl returns to the Waiting queue and from there to the Agent phone.
The Agent display will show ?36-0451234 Smith?.
Build 80098. See also ###153592###

iQM Server: Wrap up using the Queue Presence feature

Status Closed
Id 153930

If the Wrap up is done using the WQ Presence feature the Server during start-up will read out that information from the PBX and disable the wrap up using the group feature. The wrap up time will be displayed on the server and also on the client and counted in the relative Excel statistic (like the the internal one).
Please note that the wrap up extension is displayed on the client if enabled in the setup of the agent but has no action, so to be switched off.
Please note that it is not possible using the presence queue wrap up and a dynamic 2nd WQ. If Two WQs are required and the assignment should be dynamically also the wrap up has to be done using group.
Build 80098. See also ###153605###

iQM Client: Extend and clear wrap-up timeout

Status Closed
Id 153931

Agents can abbreviate, extend and fix his log out status during setup.
If an agent is ready before the end of the wrap-up timeout he can press the agent symbol and log in prematurely (clearing the wrap up time).
During wrap up automatically two additional symbols are shown, an ?o.k.? symbol and a clear (?x?) symbol.
If during wrap up the clear symbol (?x?) is pressed the agent is logged out permanently; after wrap up he will not be logged again. Note that from a statistic point of view the entire wrap up is counted and displayed. To enter again in the group and receive again calls the agent has to click the agent symbol (or login pressing the phone feature key).
If during wrap up the ?o.k.? symbol is pressed the wrap up time is extended (reset to the original value) again. If for example the wrap up time is set to 10 seconds and after 5 second the key is pressed, the wrap up countdown starts again with 10 seconds. This operation can be done as many times required. Status and statistic count the total wrap up time.
The remaining wrap up time (count down) is displayed near the agent symbol and can be estimated at a glance.
In the setup of the agent the display of the remaining wrap up time, extend the wrap up time and staying offline after wrap up can be enabled (default = off)
Build 80098. See also ###153607###

iQM client: Display wrap up status

Status Closed
Id 153932

In the agent list of the client the wrap up status will be displayed. In the column where the status is displayed during an agent wrap up ?wrapup? is displayed, at the end of the wrap up the actual status is displayed again. Please note that there is no localisation for that item and during wrap up status changings (for example if the agent is doing an active call) are not displayed, but the actual status is reported immediately after the end of the wrap up.
Build 80098. See also ###153606###

iQM client: 2nd WQ in function of number of agents

Status Closed
Id 153933

In the setup of the agent, panel ?2nd Waiting Queue?, a number of agents can be defined. This number is the ?normal? number of agents. If more or less agents are logged the threshold are changed dynamically.
The threshold is calculated doing a multiplication with the integer result of ?logged agents?/?setup agents?. If the result is zero ?1? is assumed. If in the setup the field ?number of agents? is 0 or left blank the feature is off and the feature work s
Example: Threshold = 4, number of agent = 2
If there are 2 agent logged the result of the threshold is equal to 4 x 2/2 = 4 calls
If there is just one agent logged the result will be 4 x 2 / 1 = 8 calls
If there are 8 agent logged the result will be 4 x 2/8 = 1 call.

Build 80098. See also ###153604###

iQM client: new activity control

Status Closed
Id 153934

The activity control feature works slightly different from now on. Auto-login is no more option but always on. If activity control is switched on in the agent setup a desk symbol is displayed on the main view.
Activity control can be switched on and off pressing the desk symbol. If the function is switched on a glimmer is shown, no glimmer means that the detection is switched off.
The timeout is displayed near the desk (option, can be switched on/off in the setup), so if the feature is on and no activity is detected the agent see the countdown, if zero is reached the agent will be put out of the group. The icon of the desk shows an occupied desk, when the activity control switch off the group the desk will be shown empty. If activity is detected again the agent will be switched in the group automatically.
If an agent press the agent symbol and logs out manually the detection is switched off. Even if the Agent enter again manually in the group the feature remain switched off and has to be activated manually again.
During wrap up the countdown is stopped and resumes at the value after the wrap up.
If an Agent logs out from the group pressing the relative key on the IP-Phone the activity control continuous his count down, once reached to zero and detected again activity automatic login will be done.
Please note that the feature ?Logout no answer? works independently. If for a given threshold time in the setup a call is not answered the user will be logged out. If this happened the activity control is switched off automatically and no automatic login will be done.
Build 80098.

iQM Master and iQM Slaves

Status Closed
Id 154537

While a single installation of one iQM Server or more iQM Server but without sharing Agents is not a problem in complex scenarios some special situations are be considered. So we are talking about the sharing of agents, for example because agents belong to many nested groups with iQM servers or because the second queue feature is on and there is even a second iQM server on that queue.
The problem is that two independent servers try to modify the PBX database of the same user, but there is no record locking mechanism in the PBX. The result could be Agents with multiple same named Groups entry or unforeseeable status.
To change a group assignment the iQM server read out the record, modify it, delete the actual one and write the record in again. This has to be done in this way because there is no working ?change? mechanism using SOAP. This procedure works fine but only if just one Server is doing changes. If for example one server is deleting a record and in this moment a second serve reads out the database the result will be that the record of this user has no group assignment, not true because some milliseconds after he will have. And so the second sever will add a group; the result will be that this user has now two times the same group, maybe also with different status.
From Build 800099 on two new mechanisms are introduced to avoid these situations.
The main is that now just one iQM in a scenario changes the PBX database. This iQM is called iQM Master while all other iQMs are called iQM slave. Note That ?Master? and ?Slave? has nothing to do with the innovaphone Master-Slave ideas. Remember also that just the Salves sharing the same Agents has to be slaves.
All iQM (Master and Salve) build up an SOAP connection and receives real time data and send commands to the PBX. But just the Master will do setup change. Spooling the jobs in a Stack and workout one after the other no conflict should be faced.
The Master has no idea to be a Master, he will just receive special commands from (he believes) iQM Agents clients. Therefore just in the Salves there is to do a small setup and put the IP address and Port of the iQM Master. If the iQM Server found in the setup socket indication the Group operations will not be transmitted to the SOAP but to the indicated address. While up to now the iQM Server was a ?Server?, now he has also the relative ?client? routines in. Please note that a Server can be restarted just 4 times, after that the iQM Salves has to be started again.
The second change in design was a new and robust approach. The Server will now first delete all groups entry, just the static one will be skipped. If for example the group status of the group ?myFirst Group? should be ?dynanmic in? the Server will delete all group entry ?myFirstGroup? (so dynamic in and out) and just if the PBX response shows no more entry the new desired group and status will be written. To avoid looking situations the maximum number of deleting groups is limited to 10 cycle.
A user will not be aware of that; just the operation could be slightly longer.
Build 80099

Display conversation time

Status Closed
Id 154539

Like on the Phone sets the actual talking duration is displayed in real time. This counter will be shown automatically when the agent answers the call and hide when the call ends. The talking duration will be displayed on any type of call (incoming and outgoing, calls from any source).

See also ###153592###
Build 80099

Error reset from iQM client

Status Assigned
Id 154540

If in the iQM agent the Dasboard and iQM Admin feature is switched on a server Error message can be cleared. The relative Reset button appears automatically near the error message.

Build 80099


Status Assigned
Id 159690

A system wide key combination can be selected to bring the cursor and the focus to the brail line.

Build 80132

Status Assigned
Id 162438

Build 80132
New Layout for the Agent iQM client.
See sample for previous layout
See sample for actual layout
Localized Languages will follow.
The help url can be defined in the agent setup.
The actual agent setup items are described in the relative online help setup, see
Revised Reference will follow.
New concept for two WQ and two iQM server (one for each queue). One server is defined as Master and one as Slave. Just the server will do all PBX logging. A client serving a queue on the salve requires also a link to the master.
Online help for the master is actual, see
Revised Reference will follow.

2012 Hotfix 2

Changes included in Version 2012 Hotfix 2 Definition

Saving Daily routine fails Build 80125

Status Assigned
Id 162846

In some setup the Saving Daily Data Routine fails because of incorrect path.
Error recovering in case of e.result.user = empty could fail, fix to avoid the try.

Build 80128

Status Assigned
Id 163575

Introduced fixes described before.

Call Forward Indicator

Status Assigned
Id 163431

If a user activate a CFU to the WQ this will be shown in the Queue and Display of the iQM Agent. The Recall List will not show the CFU. The name resolution is done just on the calling number, not on the CFU. CFU on the 2. WQ are not shown.
Example: "37ª34 Test" = the caller 37 Test calls the User 34 (diverted to the WQ).
If an Agent picks a call from the WQ the wrap up will work partially and not login again the Agent after the timeout (must be done manually).
If a ping to the active PBX fails and the second ping works the iQM cannot recover correctly.

2012 Hotfix 3

Changes included in Version 2012 Hotfix 3 Definition