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There are also other versions of this article available: Reference13r1 (this version) | Reference13r2 | Reference13r3 | Reference14r1 | Reference14r2

All the settings on that page can be done per PBX. Note that they are not synchronized automatically across PBXes.

User Registration

Launcher Software Update

Client Settings

Applies to PBX from 13r1 SR11.

This section contains administrative settings for the myApps clients connected to the PBX.

  • Autostart: If turned on, myApps will be started automatically each time the user logs in on his computer. myApps for Windows only.
  • Show in taskbar: If turned on, myApps will be displayed in the Windows taskbar, additionally to the task tray. myApps for Windows only.
  • Auto appear offline: The time of inactivity after which users should be displayed as offline. myApps for Windows only.
  • Autostart video: This setting controls the default behaviour of phone apps on new phone calls. If on video telephony is done by default. If off audio-only calls are done by default. Note that during the call the user can turn video on or off at any time with both options.
  • Hotkey dial: The hotkey for dialling a selected phone number. myApps for Windows only.
  • Hotkey accept: The hotkey for accepting ringing calls. myApps for Windows only.
  • Hotkey reject: The hotkey for rejecting ringing calls or disconnecting active calls. myApps for Windows only.
  • Trace flags: A hex string that represents the trace flags of the myApps launcher. See Reference13r1:Concept_myApps#Trace_flags.

Example trace flags:

  0x000000001 (activate App trace)
+ 0x000000008 (activate DNS trace)
+ 0x000000080 (activate HTTP client trace)
+ 0x000008000 (activate App WebSocket client trace)
+ 0x080000000 (activate AppProxy client trace)
+ 0x200000000 (activate Webserver client trace)
  0x280008089 <---- hide-mask

For each setting there is a force checkmark with the following meaning:

force on
The administrative setting will be used by all clients. The user is not able to change it. Previous user settings are ignored. Note that the force checkmark has no effect, if the corresponding option is unset.
force off
The administrative setting is used as a default by all clients. The user can change it locally at any time. Previous user settings have priority.